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Recommend me a metal band? - Printable Version

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Recommend me a metal band? - trbc08 - 17-11-2008

They actually have vocal lessons on how to torture your throat without... Torturing your throat. The beauty of the recent LOLCORE craze...

Fruits? I'm not much for uhh... Homophobic comments, but I do I agree that Man O War is pretty much the worst band ever.

Recommend me a metal band? - rockonronson - 17-11-2008

Should check out Pantera!! My fav. :lol:

Recommend me a metal band? - Iota - 18-11-2008

trbc08 Wrote:Fruits? I'm not much for uhh... Homophobic comments, but I do I agree that Man O War is pretty much the worst band ever.

I'm not very Homophobic either but, err, see for yourself

Recommend me a metal band? - CMB1888 - 18-11-2008

.........set as background

Recommend me a metal band? - Iota - 19-11-2008

Yeah, they're sexeh, aren't they?

Recommend me a metal band? - CMB1888 - 19-11-2008

shush...trying to pick my favourite.........extreme right I think

Recommend me a metal band? - goth metal raver - 11-03-2009

The best metal bands (imo and in roughly chronological order):

Black Sabbath
Deep Purple
Judas Priest
Iron Maiden
Morbid Angel

and some other good bands, which might be considered metal (sort of):

Led Zeppelin
Def Leppard
Bon Jovi
Faith No More
Nine Inch Nails

Recommend me a metal band? - Iota - 11-03-2009

goth metal raver Wrote:Bon Jovi

Are you serious?

Recommend me a metal band? - goth metal raver - 11-03-2009

Iota Wrote:Are you serious?

I said they were good and they might be considered metal

I didn't say they were a good example of a metal band.

The first list are the bands that are good examples of metal - and also happen to be fantastic.

The second list are other bands I like that might be considered metal. But all of them are debatably not metal.

Obviously tastes vary so whether any of the bands I listed are any good is also debatable.

Recommend me a metal band? - Tiggi - 11-03-2009

goth metal raver Wrote:I said they were good and they might be considered metal

I didn't say they were a good example of a metal band.

The first list are the bands that are good examples of metal - and also happen to be fantastic.

The second list are other bands I like that might be considered metal. But all of them are debatably not metal.

Obviously tastes vary so whether any of the bands I listed are any good is also debatable.

Don't worry about Iota,

he pours Teutonic scorn on all of us from time to time. He's quite cuddly really...