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Recommend me a metal band? - Printable Version

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Recommend me a metal band? - Iota - 11-03-2009

Why thank you for this compliment my Anglo-Saxon brother.

Nonetheless, I still cannot think of one sane person that seriously considers Bon Jovi to be metal.

Recommend me a metal band? - MetalMama - 12-03-2009

Iota Wrote:Why thank you for this compliment my Anglo-Saxon brother.

Nonetheless, I still cannot think of one sane person that seriously considers Bon Jovi to be metal.

Well, I think you're quite right. Bon Jovi might be heavy rock or hard rock, but seriously, not metal! Even though I don't like to categorize music too much, I have to admit BJ is far from metal. :biggrin:

Recommend me a metal band? - kvincent5555 - 22-03-2009

The question of how to get started in metal is a good one for which every half-deaf metal veteran thinks they have the perfect answer. Just jumping in and seeing what works for you is one way to avoid our self-indulgent advice, but you can easily spend a lot of money spinning your wheels, and get the wrong impression, especially considering a lot of what qualifies as "metal" these days.

Everybody has their list of favorites which can get quite personal and specific. These are not necessarily my favorites, or even the best of the classics, but rather a sampler of half-decent, well-worn tunes to get you started.


Before you do anything metal-related, you should know these pre-metal standards by heart, and be able to sing them with confidence while driving your car or making an idiot of yourself at parties:

Led Zeppelin: "Whole Lotta Love", "Immigrant Song", "Kashmir"
Black Sabbath: "Children of the Grave", "War Pigs"
Jimi Hendrix: "Voodoo Child" (Optional, but highly recommended)
Cream: "Tales of Brave Ulysses" (Optional, but highly recommended)

Basic Metal

Judas Priest: "Victim of Changes", "Breaking the Law", "Electric Eye".
Iron Maiden: "Number of the Beast", "Hallowed Be Thy Name".
Metallica: "Master of Puppets", "Sanitarium", "Fade to Black", "For Whom the Bell Tolls".
Megadeth: "Symphony of Destruction"
Pantera: "Walk"

Once you've heard the above, you'll find your way to the rest, and be able to make intelligent, educated decisions about what metal works for you, if any. Good luck, and stay away from rap. :-)

Recommend me a metal band? - markyyy - 24-03-2009

If you want to ease into metal, you can start with Iron Maiden like I did. Phantom of the Opera had me hooked at the start. If you want to divebomb right into trash metal, you can try Reign in Blood or some of Metallica's early stuff. Namely Kill 'em All or Master of Puppets.

Megadeth's great as well, if you ask me. Kinda depends on what you're looking for in metal. I can't help you with modern metal though. :tongue:

Recommend me a metal band? - Conrad - 09-04-2009

Right i've got a few here.. some ranging quite a bit...

Architects - Progressive technical metal
As blood runs black - Deathcore
As i lay dying - Metalcore
The black dahlia murder - Death metal
Bring me the horizon - More of the heavy metalcore
Children of bodom - Melodic death metal
Chimaira - Metalcore
Heaven shall burn - Metalcore
In flames - Melodic death metal
Job for a cowboy - Death metal
Lamb of god - Death metal
Machine head - Thrash metal
Napalm death - Grindcore
Parkway drive - Deathcore
Sikth - Progressive technical metal
Suicide silence - Deathcore
Whitechapel - Death metal

I strongly recommend all of these. Enjoy!

Recommend me a metal band? - rocknrollchick - 11-06-2009

Wow, I still can't get past the fact that someone considered Iota cuddly....However, and while I would never say that Bullet for my Valentine is a good representation of metal, however I do think they are a very good band. And as far as the "throat torture" goes, I think his voice is very un-torture-y, melodic even.

Recommend me a metal band? - bryce - 16-06-2009

what type of "metal" do you want. like someone said earlier that is a very vague and loose term. new? old? sceamo? soft? fusion? alternative? punk type stuff? idk. i hate how some can really catagorize music like that.

Recommend me a metal band? - Alx - 17-06-2009

A Day to Remember are metal/hardcore, but they are light in their voices.
For heavier, try the blackout Wink

Recommend me a metal band? - Solitaire Unraveling - 27-06-2009

The Sword is a contemporary band with a 'classic metal' style.

But "Metal" is a rather all inclusive label that has been used to define everything from Fu Manchu to Avenged Sevenfold.

With that in mind, I'd recommend TOOL and Mushroomhead, 2 bands that have (IMAO) broadened the 'genre' in innovative and interesting ways.

Recommend me a metal band? - sapre4 - 14-07-2009

I always found classic metal very stock-standard rock but more 'metal' in the themes, so if you listen to lyrics more than LOUD GUITAR and heavy ass bass then go for classic metal (Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden)

If you want more of a sound like Screaming just above the level of super loud guitars and double kickpedals, i recommend Slipknot as a great starting point for more screamo, 'as loud as you can get' kinda metal