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Research on music and emotion - Printable Version

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Research on music and emotion - gtbarradas - 24-06-2014

Hi all,

I am a researcher in Music and Emotion in Sweden. I personally like soul and jazz music.

My research team is trying to understand how American citizens and other cultures around the world experience music. We are running a very important survey online, that will help science to understand the mysteries about the connection between music and emotion.

The study is funded by the Swedish Research Council, and involves no commercial interests. This is not a SPAM thread. Data collected will be used only for scientific purposes. All data will be kept confidentially.

Please consider helping research on this area.

If you are willing to participate please follow this link:

The results will be published on the research group webpage at:

Feel free to ask me anything about the survey. Thank you so much. Confusedmile:

Best wishes,
Goncalo Barradas