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Explaining why you like metal - Printable Version

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Explaining why you like metal - nimbus - 28-11-2014

Has anyone ever had to do this? I'm just curious, because I think back to when my friends have sat me down and asked me what it was about metal that I liked, and if I could explain why I liked it, haha, I feel like I have to validate why I like it sometimes, like I have to defend it in a courtroom.

I've gotten "I just don't like anything without melody", or "I like the guitars and stuff, but just not the screaming".

But I'm just not sure what kind of answer people are looking for, I mean, how do you even begin explaining why you like something? Be it anything? "It fits a niche", is what one person said to me when we spoke about it. And I agree. All the things one person might not like about it, the screaming, the heaviness, is what I love.

I'm not trying to put anyone down, I just have never fully understood the question.

Has anyone else ever been asked teh same question? What was your response? How do you answer questions like this? I personally put it down to what my friend said, and anyone who asks me now I just shrug and tell them "it fits a niche."

Explaining why you like metal - SteveO - 28-11-2014

I completely hear ya nimbus! have had the comment from many a lad and can you listen to that crap! Well I listen to it from time to time because I like it. It is by no means boring to this ear,,,experimental heavy quirky weird extreme vocals and instrumentation to the absolute limit...I like dark ambient lately, ingenious combination of black metal meets classical...the composers and musicians are very good at their craft..metal has evolved into multi genres for the interesting to listen to and when I need a rush on the ipod I crank this up or something else!


Explaining why you like metal - nimbus - 04-12-2014

haha heck yeah! Thanks SteveO, glad I'm not the only one Smile

Explaining why you like metal - jazzboCR - 04-12-2014

I love metal--have plenty in my teeth. Music? Never got the attraction...Death metal? Makes you a firm believer in suicide--not like the planet's gonna miss you...makes one a firm believer in assisted suicide. And spare me the anguished angst of the frail wispy's too. How about music that robustly talks about meeting life's problems headon, instead of "I'm gonna mess somebody up" or "Won't please somebody give me meds or solve my problems"? Of course there are always those Kentucky murder ballads involving generations of hatred, resentment and murder over incidents that are forgotten about or only dimly understood. Sheesh.

Explaining why you like metal - SteveO - 04-12-2014

There is quite a vast array of white metal unblack Christian music out there also! It's apples and oranges to me, you still get that supreme heaviness in Christian metal with all the screams. shrieks, grunts, growls and Cookie's extreme music!

Heck I don't pay attention to lyrics ...I can't make them out for the most part anyway and if I could I would probably be scared sitless!!!!! I love the adrenalin rush and the spectacular arrangements that these bands offer! Very talented virtuoso playing also!

Here's a great Christian metal band !


Explaining why you like metal - Ralgrim - 11-12-2014

I've only been asked why a few times. I have a very generic response, but it's something that I strongly feel is the correct one for me personally. I become one with it. If composed properly a Metal song can be very atmospheric lyrically, instrumentally, and vocally. This makes me feel like I'm living the story they're weaving for their listeners.

jazzboCR Wrote:I love metal--have plenty in my teeth. Music? Never got the attraction...Death metal? Makes you a firm believer in suicide--not like the planet's gonna miss you...makes one a firm believer in assisted suicide. And spare me the anguished angst of the frail wispy's too. How about music that robustly talks about meeting life's problems headon, instead of "I'm gonna mess somebody up" or "Won't please somebody give me meds or solve my problems"? Of course there are always those Kentucky murder ballads involving generations of hatred, resentment and murder over incidents that are forgotten about or only dimly understood. Sheesh.

Well, I've never heard any Death METAL that has encouraged people to commit suicide because "no one will care that they're gone". I am an avid listener of the sub-genre and I can tell you it's more like a good old cheer worthy splatter horror than an emotion-lowering trigger smasher.

Explaining why you like metal - SteveO - 11-12-2014

There is nothing like EXTREME music, extreme vocals, extreme guitars, extreme has it all! These metal peoples can PLAY....they can play anything actually, pop, country, rock, jazz, they want a new music challenge so they play METAL! The guitar playing is complex and at a lightening speed!

Explaining why you like metal - WinstonHollen - 17-12-2014

it makes me feel the power of life...and to feel more real that i am alive...

Explaining why you like metal - nimbus - 22-12-2014

jazzboCR Wrote:I love metal--have plenty in my teeth. Music? Never got the attraction...Death metal? Makes you a firm believer in suicide--not like the planet's gonna miss you...makes one a firm believer in assisted suicide. And spare me the anguished angst of the frail wispy's too. How about music that robustly talks about meeting life's problems headon, instead of "I'm gonna mess somebody up" or "Won't please somebody give me meds or solve my problems"? Of course there are always those Kentucky murder ballads involving generations of hatred, resentment and murder over incidents that are forgotten about or only dimly understood. Sheesh.

Man sounds like you've gotten the works! It really sucks when people start hating on something that you love. In Australia we seem to have this custom to tell another person why the thing they love sucks, and why my own thing is so much better. Haha, didn't anyone ever take Drama class in high-school? It's 'yes and', not 'no but'!
Sigh... one can't please everyone. But if it floats your boat, then that's all that really matters I think. Not just metal, no matter what it is.

Explaining why you like metal - Mezurashii5 - 23-12-2014

I love metal because it's music by and for "people who don't fit in" (Lamb Of God's vocalist interview quote).
I love metal because it gives a very strong connection with the artist.
I love metal because it's meaningful.
I love metal because it makes worthless people hate me.
I love metal becuase it's the only music that really gets and keeps me going.
I love metal because it sounds ******* beautiful and is one of the most technically demanding music genres overall.
I love metal because it's interesting.
I love metal because it's METAL, it's mine and it's the only thing in my life that sincerely makes me feel good and gives me a reason to live it.
90% of people I like also listen to metal, either because they have before or I "converted" them. I don't need to explain it, really ^-^