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Compose your dream band - Printable Version

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Compose your dream band - battery94x - 01-04-2015

I saw a feed about this on Facebook a while back; a local music shop had asked and thought it was interesting. Wondering what you all think, I'll post my list below; which is all based on potential chemistry and influence to me.
Have fun with it!

Theme: Thrash/Groove
Vocals: Chad Gray
Lead Guitar: Alex Skolnick
Rhythm Guitar: Scott Ian
Bass Guitar: Cliff Burton
Drums: Dave Lambardo
Synth(optional): ---

Post yours? Discuss!

Compose your dream band - Steyn - 22-04-2015

Vocals: Niklas Sundin
Lead Guitar: Jeff Loomis
Rhythm Guitar: Alexander Kuoppala
Bass Guitar: John Myung
Scott Columbus

Have no idea what genre that will be....

Compose your dream band - Music Head - 22-04-2015

John Lennon
Paul McCartney
George Harrison
Ringo Starr

Compose your dream band - SteveO - 25-04-2015

John Lennon
Paul McCartney
George Harrison
Ringo Starr

Compose your dream band - Musicbantersuks - 11-05-2015

Ace Frehley Peter Criss Dominic Homan ibnez bass guitar vocals too
Domi Homan chyna butterfly and amy opposum flymoth yes i feels so good. yeah

Compose your dream band - EdinAlt01 - 24-05-2015

Vocals/Guitar: Kurt Cobain
Guitar: Graham Coxon
Bass: Flea
Drums: Dave Grohl

Compose your dream band - Jerome - 03-06-2015

Charlize Theron - keyboards
Juliette Binochet - guitar
Kristin Scott Thomas - bass
Paulina Porizkova - vocals
Scarlett Johanssen - drums
Pamela David - mouth organ

Compose your dream band - RonniePistons - 22-07-2015

Dream band has already been composed. They're called King's X.

Compose your dream band - TheNeedleDrops - 23-07-2015

I'm gonna take this in a little bit of a different direction. Forgive me if this ends up being a total "girl" band but I think the following would be the most phenomenal band in the world (if everyone checked their egos at the door).

Rhythm Guitar = Eric Clapton
Bass Guitar = Carol Kaye
Piano = Bruce Hornsby
Violin = Lindsey Stirling
Drums = Phil Collins
Vocals = Lana Del Rey

Compose your dream band - jazzboCR - 24-07-2015

I don't have to fantasize about a dream band--it's been done for me at least conceptualists/producers or the band's leader.:
The major problem with dream band fantasies is that they tend to totally ignore personalities--can these folks actually play well together? I get individual brilliance (Carol Kaye, Dave Grohl) but can they subsume their personalities to a truly aligned group effort? Not easy, given the giant egos needed to succeed. I'm being a bubble-burster for sure by introducing this note of rude reality...but the question was about playing together, not merely an aggregate of the best on any individual instrument.