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Jazz mouthpieces? - Printable Version

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Jazz mouthpieces? - immortaloldshool. - 25-07-2009

I play 2nd Alto Sax in my high schools Jazz 2 band.
Cuz we have 2 jazz bands.
Juniors and Seniors in Jazz 1.
Freshman, me, and Sophmore in Jazz 2.

My band teacher said I should get a metal mouthpiece or a jazz mouthpiece.
Opinions on them?
Good brands to use that don't cost much at all?

Jazz mouthpieces? - bryce - 26-07-2009

i play alto alot but i've never tried using a jazz mouthpiece, i do have a jazz neck though.. silver instead of gold so i can tell them apart. .......... on the other hand i have a metal jazz mouthpiece for my bari (which i play in my high schools top jazz band) and it works great! it's hard to play with anything else on my bari now that i;ve got used to it, i even play classical peices on it. i'm not sure about the brand.. i'll get back to you on that.:biggrin:

Jazz mouthpieces? - immortaloldshool. - 26-07-2009

Thank you. I started to look at some and there were like $400. I was like whoa.

Jazz mouthpieces? - bryce - 30-07-2009

mine is a berg larsen. i dug it out of an old cabinet in the schools lost and found band stuff... crude discovery method but it worked. i'm not sure how much it costed the previous user. lol. it's mine now anyhow. :biggrin:

Jazz mouthpieces? - immortaloldshool. - 31-07-2009

Haha. Thank you. I'll look into them. (: