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The Dead Pool: 2016. - Printable Version

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The Dead Pool: 2016. - CRAZY-HORSE - 30-01-2016

thread starter,
no, not "the dead pool" movie starring Clint Eastwood rom the early 1980s,
but a thread for us to put our predictions for which musicians we think may die in 2016:

anyone who wants to participate can,
just make a list of 10 people you think will die between February 1st and December 31st of 2016:

there will be a prize for the participant who guesses the most correct

c'mon have a go, join in the fun...okay, so it wont be fun for the relatives of those who do pass,
but it will be interesting to see who people think are "on the way out"...

The Dead Pool: 2016. - CRAZY-HORSE - 30-01-2016

okay, so heres my top10

Glenn Campbell

Malcom Young

Willie Nelson

Chuck Berry

Little Richard

Jerry Lee Lewis

Loretta Lynn

David Crosby

Ian Anderson

Meat Loaf

The Dead Pool: 2016. - Music Head - 30-01-2016

Kris Kristofferson for now
I'll work on a list of 10
can we add right when we hear they are on their deathbed?

The Dead Pool: 2016. - CRAZY-HORSE - 30-01-2016

Music Head Wrote:Kris Kristofferson for now
I'll work on a list of 10
ca[B]n we add right when we hear they are on their deathbed[/B]?

in a word....NO!

hey, I started a similar thread last year, pretty sure several of us put foreward our predictions
but then 'grumblebum' Jazzbo shot us all down in flames presumably for being 'politically incorrect'
and to avoid argurment Im pretty sure I deleted the thread(but it could still be around in the back pages of
chit chat somewhere.)

you can select some names ive listed on my list if you think they might 'kick the bucket',
sort of like the cd thread when we invited people to guess which artist we had the most cds of in a certain alphabetical letter....
which reminds me,
I need to reboot and carry on with my "h" and "I" list...

The Dead Pool: 2016. - Music Head - 30-01-2016

if you restart that insert a new rule
Ruby only gets 1 guess per month

The Dead Pool: 2016. - CRAZY-HORSE - 30-01-2016

LMAO....I know, shes too good for us guys...

but Shhhh!,
don't let her know that.

The Dead Pool: 2016. - Ruby - 30-01-2016

Take it away boys - I don't have the stomach for this one! Almost afraid to mention LC since he's getting on a bit!!!! On the other hand, age is no arbiter.

As chance would have it - I've been listening to this lately (not this version tho' - not sure where this is from) ... must be something in the air -


The Dead Pool: 2016. - Jerome - 30-01-2016

Not interested in this one at all - seems a bit morbid to me.

The Dead Pool: 2016. - Music Head - 30-01-2016

the LC is from New Skin For The Old Ceremony

The Dead Pool: 2016. - SteveO - 30-01-2016

I thought the title of the thread was a new metal album!