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Jerome.... - CRAZY-HORSE - 17-02-2016

hey mate, just wondering if you've ever heard this or know of the instrumentalist..
I heard it last night and thought this would be right up your alley!


Jerome.... - Jerome - 17-02-2016

I know his stuff from many moons ago. Talented guy.

Jerome.... - CRAZY-HORSE - 17-02-2016

I was taken aback when I heard it...its is a beautiful piece of work (there, you heard it here first!)

what do they call that wind instrument, a panpipe???

Jerome.... - Jerome - 17-02-2016

Yes, panpipes (not sure if it's one word or two). My brain is in bypass today.

Jerome.... - CRAZY-HORSE - 20-02-2016

this is Dani's favourite piece of music


Jerome.... - Jerome - 26-12-2016

Oh I remember this - was a big hit when it came out. I quite like it, even if it does sound a bit EDM. Normally repetitive pulsing rhythms turn me off but it just works on this track.

Here's something similar - a very old track from way back when which Dani might/might not like -

And one I like -

Jerome.... - Jerome - 26-12-2016

And one of my late brother's favourites - used to have a few albums by this guy but don't anymore - need to correct that - [URL=""]
And live -

Jerome.... - Jerome - 26-12-2016

Here's one I bought purely because I liked the cover - did not have a clue what the music was like - turned out to be quite a good album. [URL=""]
Another one by them -