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Earworms - bob_32_116 - 21-06-2016

I presume everyone knows what an earworm is - a tune that stays in your head for hours, days, even longer.

Some unfortunate people have that happen with tunes they can't stand. Luckily for me, it always seems to be tunes I like, at least a little bit.

Post your earworms here.

My current one is this, from shoegaze band Chapterhouse:


Earworms - CRAZY-HORSE - 21-06-2016

with me theyre mostly songs I cannot stand, but they just randomly appear about of the blue and get stuck in my head for days...
the worst part is, when I post them now I can guarantee i'll be humming them for the next few days so...
Damn you bob_32 for bringing the subject up!

I hate this song with a passion, but I own the studio album from which it came on vinyl


Earworms - CRAZY-HORSE - 21-06-2016

I do like this song when im in the mood, but squeaky clean Karen and Richard Carpenter always irritated me


Earworms - CRAZY-HORSE - 21-06-2016

Olivia Newton John is another artist that irritates me, and also is so squeaky clean that "butter wouldn't melt in her mouth"...
I love her singles up to and including the Grease soundtrack songs but after that...forget it, theyre annoyingly catchy and I dislike them
with a passion:


Earworms - CRAZY-HORSE - 21-06-2016

another one that just springs to mind is this doozy from Kylie Minogue, the "na na na" is so annoying that like the title suggests "i cant get you out of my head)
listen to this one at your own peril people!


Earworms - CRAZY-HORSE - 21-06-2016

BTW bob_32,

thanks to you I now have "na na na", "la la la la la la", "from the day that you were born, the angels..." and "lets get physical, physical, I wanna get physical, lets get into..."
stuck in my head...

if I knew where you lived youd now be receiving a letter bomb in the mail...LOL

Earworms - Music Head - 21-06-2016

if I tire of an earworm I just replace it with another

Earworms - bob_32_116 - 21-06-2016

Looks like I've opened a can of worms here...

Earworms - SteveO - 27-06-2016

American Pie by Don McLean comes and goes constantly!

Earworms - davidksmusicschool - 28-06-2016

Don't want get earworm, so I am not going to hear any of them...