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YG "still brazy" - Printable Version

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YG "still brazy" - CRAZY-HORSE - 29-06-2016

[Image: 220px-Ygstillbrazycover.jpeg]

YG "still brazy"

online Spotify listen:

well, my run of good albums had to come to an end...
rapper dude this time...
comes 'straight outta compton' from California...
the album starts off....
"who shot me....mutherf##ker who shot me.....I don't know....who shot me"
then he discusses his need to have sex with someone's mother...
same old-same old stereotypical clichéd hip hop crap weve
all heard a million and two times now...
this is not my thing but it may be yours (even though I doubt it!)

from the album:


YG "still brazy" - Music Head - 29-06-2016

wow! you listened to a rap album

enters the Billboard Top 200 Albums chart this week at #6

yea it sucked

one for the Donald


YG "still brazy" - CRAZY-HORSE - 29-06-2016

yeh, its been a while since a got to listen to a rap album....I didn't miss them much, nor did I appear to miss much!