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Pick A Pack Of Dan Chadburn Music And Prepare To Feel Something - Printable Version

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Pick A Pack Of Dan Chadburn Music And Prepare To Feel Something - Eugena - 19-10-2016

[INDENT]Pianist Dan Chadburn is apparently a man of few words who says that whereas words have sometimes failed him, music never has and he uses it to convey his feelings. Which is why he named his new album, Beyond Words. Even though Chadburn has sometimes in the past had additional instrumentation on his CDs, for this recording he only lays down solo piano. But what piano playing it is! Some solo piano playing sounds cold, processed, sterile, by-the-numbers (or rather by-the notes), choose your own negative sentiment. But this album is just the opposite. Somehow Chadburn conveys warmth, feeling, emotions from love to sadness to joy, tender reminiscing, watching-the-clouds-float-by laziness, and tributes to heroes and peace. Here is man who cares about pets (he wrote a composition for his deceased cat and sometimes does benefits for humane societies) and his parents (he sometimes pens music specifically for them). It is difficult to describe solo piano music because with no singing or other instruments, what do you hang your hat on? So let me just say, if you like piano music, this one will probably reach right out and touch your heart and soul with the first listen because Dan Chadburn somehow identifies, captures, bottles and musically immortalizes human feelings. I’ll take a package of that anytime.[/INDENT]