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oscar pistorius? - Printable Version

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oscar pistorius? - CRAZY-HORSE - 11-06-2021

havent heard anything about him since his conviction,

has he faded into obscurity or still in the public eye??

RE: oscar pistorius? - Ruby - 12-06-2021

He's in prison CH. They're talking about the possibility of parole in 2023. He doesn't command any space in the media as far as I can see. Nor should he.

RE: oscar pistorius? - CRAZY-HORSE - 12-06-2021

thanks for the update Ruby
i just thought withhis status as a sportsman, so much interest over his trial and obvious divided opinion whether 'he knew or didnt know' scenario's just thought his every move might have been gossip-mag magnets...
and the reaosn that prompted me to pick up on him again was that yesterday i saw the end of an advertisment for an upcoming documentary about him.

his case will be one of those that will be discussed/focused on crime shows for decades to come, like the O.J one, especially when he is released and gets paid mega-bucks for "tell all" interviews.

RE: oscar pistorius? - Ruby - 13-06-2021

Not so sure he'll command that much interest - or sympathy. I'd say there are very few who don't think he absolutely deserves his jailtime.