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A question for Tame Impala experts - Printable Version

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A question for Tame Impala experts - JeromeD - 27-11-2021

I know nothing about this band. Can someone/anyone advise on what you think their best album is?

RE: A question for Tame Impala experts - CRAZY-HORSE - 28-11-2021

okay, i did consider myslef a fan and am most probably the only one here who owns anything.

Tame Impala is a 'one man band' in the studio, Kevin Parker, he plays everything and produces...
he moved in the same circles as my daughter and i have met him three or four times, nice down to earth guy IMO.

the debut album "innerspeaker" was quite psychedelic.

the second album "lonerism" was a bit more developed IMO.

the third album "currents" was more commercial sounding.

and the fourth album "the slow rush" i didnt bother with.

so to answer your question i'd probably go for "innerspeaker", "currents" and "lonerism" in that order.

RE: A question for Tame Impala experts - JeromeD - 28-11-2021

Thx Crazy. Did not realise it was a one man affair. That intrigues me straight away. I will go with your recommendations. I will have a listen on YT first and then buy something if I like it. BTW your CD's should be arriving soon. Don't have a delivery date. Normal mail. It costs me less to mail 4 CD's to Australia than it costs to buy one from the UK. Go figure!

RE: A question for Tame Impala experts - CRAZY-HORSE - 28-11-2021

thanks mate...

got to admit i may not have persisted for three albums had it not been for my daughter and speaking to the guy.

and i believe his parents were from Sth Africa or Rhodesia, somewhere in that part of the world anyway before moving to Australia.