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a soundtrack for Hell - Printable Version

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a soundtrack for Hell - spiltteeth - 27-03-2010

I'm an artist recently commissioned to do a large portrait of Hell and I need some good music to get me in that infernal mood.

So, if you had to create a soundtrack for Hell, what albums would you choose?


a soundtrack for Hell - Tiggi - 27-03-2010

I've always thought that the Ministry album Psalm 69 has a nightmarish or hellish quality to it. Don't know if that's of any use...

a soundtrack for Hell - gryphon - 27-03-2010

Sympathy for The Devil...................The Rolling Stones:evil::evil:Cool

a soundtrack for Hell - Music Head - 27-03-2010

search death/doom metal

then just do that eeny meeny miney mo thing.

a soundtrack for Hell - trbc08 - 28-03-2010

Anything by Vanilla Ice or Sting. Stuff like that.

a soundtrack for Hell - onlinejack - 30-03-2010

Performed by Academy Of St. Martins In the Field, conducted by Geoffrey Alexander.

The Hughes Brothers' film adaptation of the Jack the Ripper graphic novel From Hell features an appropriately tense, moody score by Trevor Jones. Jones uses simmering strings in many of the pieces, such as "Chasing the Dragon," "Death Coach," and "A Sprig of Red Grapes," to convey the growing fear in the Whitechapel district as the serial killer remains unapprehended, as well as the investigator's growing obsession with the crimes and their victims. Pieces like "Marleybone Workhouse," "Pennies for the Ferryman," and "In Memoriam" also capture the film's grim atmosphere in a rich, dramatic style that also works well outside of its context. The score's most intriguing piece is "Bow Belle (Absinthium)," which sounds like a wax cylinder recording of a waltz played underwater, conveying the hallucinatory effects of absinthe perfectly. The inclusion of Marilyn Manson's "The Nobodies (The Wormwood Mix)" is somewhat distracting from the rest of the album's feel, but otherwise From Hell is an effective and entertaining score. ~ Heather Phares


a soundtrack for Hell - yourbandisavirus - 06-04-2010

Anything by Motorhead would make for a fun roadtrip to Hell!

a soundtrack for Hell - Drealm - 10-04-2010

If you enjoy metal, definitely Cradle of Filth - Midian.

If not, try Mr. Bungle - Disco Volante. This album is guaranteed to fill your imagination with lots of hellish cartoon ideas!

a soundtrack for Hell - Radoslav Zdravkovic - 10-04-2010

Tom Waits - Bone Machine

a soundtrack for Hell - Iota - 10-04-2010

New Kids on the Block - Hangin' Tough