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Positive realization: Born in the best era for music enjoyment - Printable Version

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Positive realization: Born in the best era for music enjoyment - Drealm - 13-08-2010

Over millions of years of evolutions, it's been only about 100 years until now that we can record music. And everything about music that humanity could ever dream of just happened recently: music that can be recorded to a quality that our ears can fully enjoy; music we can buy and keep all our life long; music we can bring with us and listen in tiny speakers that fit in our ears.

Even more: nearly everybody can learn and do music today; you can even download music easily from all over the world (try to think of a time when obtaining music was an easy task...); you can put nearly all music you love into a tiny mp3 player; it's not a luxury anymore: everybody can have access to all the music he ever wanted, the the poor to the rich; no more discrimination.

Again more: today, nearly every style of music we can think of have been made, so the choice is kind of unlimited so there's choice for every taste possible. You have computers at home that you can use to rip, burn, convert all your music and enjoy it in every way you want.

When I think about it, being a music lover, is there anything that could be better than this??!!!

Ha Ha !! I'm born in an era of time when I can 100% enjoy music!!

Think when you had to go to a Mozart concert to listen to music, and it was only high society admittance. Imagine having to ask a composer to play his song each time you want to listen to it. Imagine yourself as a caveman making a little song with bones that only you and some mates will enjoy only for this time. Music have always been hard to really enjoy, and when I think about all these millions years of evolution, I can say it's been only for 60-70 years that we can really enjoy music like we want. We are a very privileged generation of people.

I wanted to share this because I hope some will realize the immense chance we all have now.

Positive realization: Born in the best era for music enjoyment - Music Head - 13-08-2010

I agree, but I probably thought the same thing 40, 50 years ago when I had no concept of cd's, mp3's or computers.

Positive realization: Born in the best era for music enjoyment - Drealm - 13-08-2010

Music Head Wrote:I agree, but I probably thought the same thing 40, 50 years ago when I had no concept of cd's, mp3's or computers.

Sure, I don't know the future.

But when I think of what I would need more, what is missing today, I find nothing. I have the impression that I'm fully satisfied musically.

What can the future bring that would be so incredible about music that I would suddenly feel unsatisfied with what I have now?

Positive realization: Born in the best era for music enjoyment - Music Head - 13-08-2010

Drealm Wrote:Sure, I don't know the future.

But when I think of what I would need more, what is missing today, I find nothing. I have the impression that I'm fully satisfied musically.

What can the future bring that would be so incredible about music that I would suddenly feel unsatisfied with what I have now?

agree with that too.

I was totally satisfied with records.

Positive realization: Born in the best era for music enjoyment - Tiggi - 14-08-2010

I agree wholeheartedly. In terms of music being available, today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be even better.

In terms of technology, I'm not so convinced...

Positive realization: Born in the best era for music enjoyment - Drealm - 14-08-2010

Tiggi Wrote:In terms of technology, I'm not so convinced...

What do you mean?

Positive realization: Born in the best era for music enjoyment - Tiggi - 14-08-2010

Drealm Wrote:What do you mean?

Most of the modern technological advances are doing very little to improve recorded sound:

- MP3 (although I'd concede that this may improve as sampling frequencies increase)
- Pro Tools and modern studio techniques in general
- Massive mastering compression

I understand that most people don't give a damn about such things, but technological advance should result in improvement, not degradation...

Positive realization: Born in the best era for music enjoyment - JonG - 16-08-2010

I think Drealm's point is the access to music is greater than ever before. More and more people have the chance to experience more and more music. That is a big deal.

Positive realization: Born in the best era for music enjoyment - Tiggi - 16-08-2010

JonG Wrote:I think Drealm's point is the access to music is greater than ever before. More and more people have the chance to experience more and more music. That is a big deal.

From Drealm's OP, I think he was talking about both software, & hardware.

Don't disagree with anything in your post, Jon.

Positive realization: Born in the best era for music enjoyment - Drealm - 17-08-2010

Yes, I was talking about both.

My point was about the 0.0001% chance of a music lover to be born in the last ~70 years among millions of years of evolution. We are the first generation of people to have all these opportunities about music and that is extraordinary.