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How big is your Vinyl/CD collection? - Printable Version

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How big is your Vinyl/CD collection? - Thraak - 19-12-2010

Just another wee light hearted thread, this time to document the scope of your musical obsession.

So how many vinyls/cds you own and the general scope of music it covers.

Currently, I own zero vinyls (unlikely to change!) and approx 1400 CDs ranging from various Rock, Jazz, Blues, Electronica, Country, Avant Garde, Folk, Metal...

How big is your Vinyl/CD collection? - Music Head - 19-12-2010

app. 3500 vinyl / 500 cd's

all genres

How big is your Vinyl/CD collection? - The Man about town - 20-12-2010

My record collection for my Vinyl collection, weel it's closet filled 700, from BDP, Pink Floyd, a Nasa Record of the man's first walk on the moon. I love find ode spoken word records. I got about 500 audio cassette tapes mainly 80's music, CD's got over 1000 cds allot of inde rock & Rap. & 18,458 songs on my itunes..

How big is your Vinyl/CD collection? - CRAZY-HORSE - 20-12-2010

1400 cd's...and you're still young Soulman?!

i have maybe 2000-2500 cds/vinyl albums & singles as an approx estimate, numbers arent the object of my love of music, quality is!
most i like,probably 300ish i dont like or doubt whether i will play them again.
my collection consists of bits of everything from classical to Marilyn Manson. from Abba to Charles Manson.

How big is your Vinyl/CD collection? - gryphon - 20-12-2010

The collection is around 800/900 CDs and about 200 vinyl !Cool

How big is your Vinyl/CD collection? - Tiggi - 20-12-2010

About 600 vinyl, and just over 1800 CDs.

How big is your Vinyl/CD collection? - Thraak - 20-12-2010

CRAZY-HORSE Wrote:1400 cd's...and you're still young Soulman?!

i have maybe 2000-2500 cds/vinyl albums & singles as an approx estimate, numbers arent the object of my love of music, quality is!
most i like,probably 300ish i dont like or doubt whether i will play them again.
my collection consists of bits of everything from classical to Marilyn Manson. from Abba to Charles Manson.

I know, its an obsession of mine.. One thing I always do is sell cds I dont like. But thats only to save space for the next load!
So you're into Charles Manson? The music obviously, not the murders. That would be too f***ed up! He only really has one song I like called 'Look At Your Game Girl'. It's really quite sad listening to his music knowing that he could have been a great musician and singer if hed taken the right path in life.

A lot of people don't know this but he actually used to hang out with Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys back in 60s before his incarceration. I say 'hang out', what happened to my understanding is that Brian Wilson came home one day and Manson was just there lol

How big is your Vinyl/CD collection? - R_burke - 22-06-2016

No vinyl, but quite a few in the collection

How big is your Vinyl/CD collection? - oldies65 - 07-07-2016

I have about[1200]LP'S and about[700]45's.