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Does The Rock And Roll Lifestyle Have To Go With A Professional Musician? - Printable Version

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Does The Rock And Roll Lifestyle Have To Go With A Professional Musician? - gryphon - 25-07-2011

In looking at the events that have taken Amy Winehouse from the music community, I feel that she has lived the kind of life that will ensure that she joins the Rock and Roll hall of fame................but is it possible to move into a position in the world of popular music and still live a normal life?:happy:Cool

Does The Rock And Roll Lifestyle Have To Go With A Professional Musician? - SteveO - 25-07-2011

Once again another thought provoking question from you, Gryph !

I am not in any way being facetious when I say that if you do all your recordings in a home studio, never go out in public and perform live then you may have a chance as a rock and roller to live a normal life ! Endless touring dates, countless media interviews,papparazzi stalking, thousands of correspondence from fans, recording dates, temptation of sex, drugs and booze galore are just a few dilemnas that a professional musician must deal with on an ongoing basis.

It takes a strong willed disciplined musician to keep their head on and deal with these things. Also it is important to have level headed people around you to help resist the negatives. The musician's background affects the way in most cases that they handle artists seem to cope well for the most part due perhaps to their strong religious upbringing, normal family structure and morales ?

Perhaps Amy's addiction got so chronic that she could no longer perform live in concert in a sober state. Maybe her guilt was so intense that it drove her "over the edge". It appears to me that she didn't have strong support groups with her or maybe she didn't wish to accept their help ?

So to be blunt and to answer your question, my answer is NO, unless you are ironcladded to temptation and possess a strong personality !

Does The Rock And Roll Lifestyle Have To Go With A Professional Musician? - Tiggi - 25-07-2011

In theory it should be possible, but R&R is littered with the fallout of those who can't manage it.

I think many of the points Steve makes above about the causes of R&R lifestyles are spot on, and I'd add to that list the requirement to create new work under probably extreme pressure...

Does The Rock And Roll Lifestyle Have To Go With A Professional Musician? - greyan - 27-07-2011

May be it is positive but I'm not sure about it...

Does The Rock And Roll Lifestyle Have To Go With A Professional Musician? - CRAZY-HORSE - 27-07-2011

IMO there are planty of examples of artists not getting caught up in booze and drug addiction...Adele,Pink,Gwen Stefani are three that immeciately jump right out at me!, there are also many examples of those who have but have overcame them...the most recent probably being Eminem.

i guess it all comes back to having good family bonds and/or a good support structure of friends.

IMO and from experience i believe that Amy probably had a very addictive personality to begin with, thus the fortune she amassed probably helped fuel her own inclinations and self destructive personality more than if she had a regular 9-5 job.

the biggest letdown of all is that artists management have still not learned from the hindsight of Elvis Presley's addiction in order to do what they can to avoid sudden death!!!

i still think some managers and employees of music artists/actors etc are not giving correct advice!
in order to save their own jobs they continue to be "yes men"

Does The Rock And Roll Lifestyle Have To Go With A Professional Musician? - SteveO - 27-07-2011

where's Music Head, Crazy ??? sleepin .....

Does The Rock And Roll Lifestyle Have To Go With A Professional Musician? - Pipikins321 - 27-07-2011

Dying to have a rant here....absolutely dying.... my answer is seriously no. Yes musicians are probably subjected to more chances to take up 'detrimental lifestyle choices' but at the end of the day like anyone else they choose to either have that next drink or take drugs. There are many examples of sucessful musicians who havn't felt it necessary to overindulge.
It annoys me that some 'musicians' think the title gives them the right to live such a life, they're just pandering to a negative stereotype and creating a very bad image to their younger fans.....

Failed in my attempt to avoid a rant but it tees me off that after every gig I do I get offered copious amounts of alcohol and...other...substances because thats what expected of me.....and I'm hardly a major musician, I feel sorry for those who are as the pressure is probably much more intense....

Sorry guys.....rant over....

Does The Rock And Roll Lifestyle Have To Go With A Professional Musician? - TraceNspace - 27-07-2011

I agree, they all choose the lifestyle they live just like everyone else. It is absolutely possible to be a famous musician without getting caught up in drugs and booze etc. though maybe not as fun....

Does The Rock And Roll Lifestyle Have To Go With A Professional Musician? - Tiggi - 28-07-2011

Pipikins321 Wrote:Dying to have a rant here....absolutely dying.... my answer is seriously no. Yes musicians are probably subjected to more chances to take up 'detrimental lifestyle choices' but at the end of the day like anyone else they choose to either have that next drink or take drugs. There are many examples of sucessful musicians who havn't felt it necessary to overindulge.
It annoys me that some 'musicians' think the title gives them the right to live such a life, they're just pandering to a negative stereotype and creating a very bad image to their younger fans.....

Failed in my attempt to avoid a rant but it tees me off that after every gig I do I get offered copious amounts of alcohol and...other...substances because thats what expected of me.....and I'm hardly a major musician, I feel sorry for those who are as the pressure is probably much more intense....

Sorry guys.....rant over....

Don't apologise for having a rant, Pip. I think we need more ranting on MD !!

If you have any others up your sleeve, let 'em out girl !!

Does The Rock And Roll Lifestyle Have To Go With A Professional Musician? - Pipikins321 - 29-07-2011

Tiggi Wrote:Don't apologise for having a rant, Pip. I think we need more ranting on MD !!

If you have any others up your sleeve, let 'em out girl !!

Nah trust me I'm a rant floodgate.....I've have some fantastic rants in my time, including a 3 minute alliterative one, But I have too many to run free here Confused