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What is the reason that we still play and discuss artists from decades ago ? - Printable Version

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What is the reason that we still play and discuss artists from decades ago ? - SteveO - 15-08-2011

Today we still listen to, discuss and debate albums and artists from let's say 1950 to the present day, a span of some sixty years give or take.. I will not mention the artists as we all know who they are basically. This is generally identified as Classic Rock.

They are still here one way or another. Why ?

The obvious may be because the music set the foundation for future rockers to be inspired by so they could create their own original music.

Perhaps the music "back then" was incredibly just plain "good''..I'll use this expletive ...others could be excellent, great, the dreaded Best word, so on. !

The term Classic Rock may be in the name will be here for a long time as Classical Music is still here today !

What is the reason that we still play and discuss artists from decades ago ? - evilB - 15-08-2011

I like to find out what others think. I also like to share the finds I think are cool. Most of my regular listens are from recommendations from friends of mine. There is nothing quite like finding out someone else thinks an album or song that you like is good too.

The search to find like-minded souls.

What is the reason that we still play and discuss artists from decades ago ? - SteveO - 15-08-2011

I know what you mean, evil ! It's a good feeling when you turn on others to new music and also when you find someone with a similar taste in music.

However the old artists are still here and packing them in ! I went to a Macca concert two years ago and I swear the majority of spectators were middle aged and younger !!!!!! If you were 45 in 2009 you would have only been six years old when the Beatles disbanded !

As a young adolescent in '65 I don't ever remember myself being hooked on music from the 1920s...which is a similar comparison of today's youth being attracted to classic rock artists.

Why is this so ?

What is the reason that we still play and discuss artists from decades ago ? - evilB - 15-08-2011

I think maybe to do with the rebellion aspect of Rock. It has sounds that emulate machines and is electrified. The whole "rock" experience gives the feeling of rebellion/empowerment - "power chords". Perfect for teen angst.

Not that other genres don't also have angst, just not put out there in such a sparkly electrified package.

What is the reason that we still play and discuss artists from decades ago ? - Tiggi - 15-08-2011

I guess Rock & Roll was also born at a time when the means to listen to music became more attainable for younger people, so Rock has a defined history of 55 odd years, and Evil's point about the rebellion factor is spot on. It was the birth of music for teenagers.

As a consequence, I think Rock fans are very protective of their turf, and have a lot respect for what's gone before.

Don't know if I've expressed that very well, but you all probably get what I mean...