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My music - Printable Version

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My music - TomaszLewandowski - 11-11-2011


So... so... so....

( again sory for any mistakes )

I love classic music... Jazz , solo piano, violins, blues... Movie soundtracks like hole CD from " Gladiator " and almost all Hans Zimmer "songs" ...

I makeing music almost hole my life. I started with "loops lego" programs at age 11. At 1st i tried to make RAP bits Tongue later club songs - i made few for small Polish clubs - it was fun... But my true passion is classic... My biggest dream is... to see goosebumbs on my listeners hands Big Grin or tear in they eyes... or smile...
Im know im begginer... and i know i need to do huge progres to call my "motives" a "music..." And i would be greatfull for any adivces from you... to change or make better my next songs...