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Does md have a section devoted to a md hall of fame ? - Printable Version

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Does md have a section devoted to a md hall of fame ? - SteveO - 12-12-2011

I know MD has a dedicated thread for best album by artists section and a nomination system for a classic album. Does MD have a rock or music hall of fame ?

I couldn't see one . If not maybe we could start one but I suggest that the artists/bands be voted on somehow for acceptance at say 6-10 votes ?...I dunno!

Suggestions/thoughts ?

Does md have a section devoted to a md hall of fame ? - centermez - 13-12-2011

That sounds awesome. Would it be a sticky? Maybe every so often (monthly, quarterly, whatever) everybody can make one nomination and one winner is chosen from those nominations by votes?

I guess it might be good if we were to make specific halls of fame. Or at least more specific than "Music" because I'm pretty sure comparing classical to punk would be difficult.

Does md have a section devoted to a md hall of fame ? - SteveO - 13-12-2011

Yes we could be more diverse than just a rock hall of fame ,,let's see what the moderators and the other members have to say ??? Maybe just an Ordinary Rock hall of fame would work being probably the most popular genre but then you lose masters like Mike Oldfield, Tangerine Dream, perhaps Leonard Cohen and Nick Drake, Billie Holiday, etc...let's see what happens .
centermez Wrote:That sounds awesome. Would it be a sticky? Maybe every so often (monthly, quarterly, whatever) everybody can make one nomination and one winner is chosen from those nominations by votes?

I guess it might be good if we were to make specific halls of fame. Or at least more specific than "Music" because I'm pretty sure comparing classical to punk would be difficult.

Does md have a section devoted to a md hall of fame ? - gater - 13-12-2011

And in this corner, one of the true legit heavy weights, Igor Stravinsky! (Crowd roars)
And in the far corner, former frontman for Marrillion, Fish! (Loud cheering)
I don't see a problem with no catagories...

Does md have a section devoted to a md hall of fame ? - CRAZY-HORSE - 13-12-2011

need to put some thought into this subject so i'll respond properly later....

Does md have a section devoted to a md hall of fame ? - gryphon - 13-12-2011

Sounds like a good idea.....................I think you need to get a sub forum set up for it and put in a thread with an introduction to the forum what it is about and a good explanation of the system to be used. The voting is fine but you will need to watch the thresholds my experience is that in the early days of this sort of thing the most you might get is around 3 or 4 so it is worth setting the first threshold around here. ( You can always change it later but in the early days you need success !) I have only set this sort of thing from the position of a mod but you will need some mod assistance because there are areas of the forum that you need mod status to access and to police !

Does md have a section devoted to a md hall of fame ? - SteveO - 13-12-2011

Yes Gryph, I understand that the moderators take initial control !!! by all means. I wouldn't have a clue how to set this in motion. Gater's suggestion of an any genre inductee is an excellent idea..that way everyone is covered off so to speak. I guess the threshold or established criteria is the main focus here. How many votes will signify an induction? I suggested anywhere from 6 to 10...I don't know...and how do we know the number of guaranteed partcipants on a regular basis???.... that's the kicker !
gryphon Wrote:Sounds like a good idea.....................I think you need to get a sub forum set up for it and put in a thread with an introduction to the forum what it is about and a good explanation of the system to be used. The voting is fine but you will need to watch the thresholds my experience is that in the early days of this sort of thing the most you might get is around 3 or 4 so it is worth setting the first threshold around here. ( You can always change it later but in the early days you need success !) I have only set this sort of thing from the position of a mod but you will need some mod assistance because there are areas of the forum that you need mod status to access and to police !

Does md have a section devoted to a md hall of fame ? - centermez - 13-12-2011

In any given month if we don't reach a certain number of participants the nominations and competition can flow over to the next month (or 2 months or whatever). In regards to voting, we could also look at it as a percentage thing. So only one nomination wins per time period, but renomination is possible...

Does md have a section devoted to a md hall of fame ? - gryphon - 13-12-2011

You can feel the pace on here and it is around a page of new posts-a day..........................the interest level in your section will not be all of that maybe only a quarter and of that not many will contribute. The faithful five will all have a go but you can't easily predict who will agree that well ...............sometimes the obvious will not work or work better than you think.
The passing traffic will have some interest but often find it hard to register a genuine vote can be inventive and positive that helps.....................persistence and your own dedication will win the day............................The mods etc will be behind you as best they can and will help you police it of course ....................I've launched quite a lot on MD and they do work but you need to think long term and run the long race , if you do it will work!