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Album Count - Music Head - 04-04-2012

we haven't had one lately and having just done a cd count, thought I would update mine

vinyl - around 3500 - hasn't changed in years
cd - around 700 - and growing of course
digital - around 0 - if you must include them

what's your count?

somebody here beats me by a mile
think it was gater

Album Count - Keef Rob - 04-04-2012

vinyl - 0
tape - 0
CD - 0
digital - about 40,000 releases of some sort. track count 283,121.

I went digital in the late 90's when the first mp3 players came out and have never looked back.

Album Count - evilB - 04-04-2012

Today's numbers are:

Vinyl - 4,000
CD - 5,500
Digital - Mostly just stuff I've ripped from my collection.

Album Count - Music Head - 04-04-2012

evilB Wrote:Today's numbers are:

Vinyl - 4,000
CD - 5,500
Digital - Mostly just stuff I've ripped from my collection.

aha, maybe it was you

Album Count - R_burke - 05-04-2012

Vinyl - 1 I just couldnt let it go and it still hasn't been released on CD
CD - 6,650+ and growing weekly
Digital - 30 or 40 songs that aren't available on CD, mostly live stuff

Album Count - Music Head - 05-04-2012

aw come on
I'm in last place
somebody post less than me

Album Count - Jerome - 05-04-2012

CD's - over 5000

Vinyl - about 5 (my prize posessions are my DSOTM and WYWH original vinyls with all original artwork included - DSOTM bought in Montpellier & WYWH bought in Amsterdam from obscure little record shops which I will probably never find again even if I tried)

Downloads - About 20 albums - mainly stuff I can't get on CD.

Album Count - CRAZY-HORSE - 06-04-2012

Music Head Wrote:aw come on
I'm in last place
somebody post less than me

okay...its me, i own less than you MH...

1000 vinyl
1500 cds
0 digital(all the ones on my ipod are from my collection!)

Album Count - CRAZY-HORSE - 06-04-2012

evilB Wrote:Today's numbers are:

Vinyl - 4,000
CD - 5,500
Digital - Mostly just stuff I've ripped from my collection.

looks like the B-man is on the lead with 9,500 in total,

just a question though

how many of your cd's are upgrades from your vinyl collection?

Album Count - Music Head - 06-04-2012

CRAZY-HORSE Wrote:okay...its me, i own less than you MH...

1000 vinyl
1500 cds
0 digital(all the ones on my ipod are from my collection!)

whew! thanks
at the rate you buy, it won't be long