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The Elvis Costello Thread: Because He Deserves It! - Printable Version

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The Elvis Costello Thread: Because He Deserves It! - PennyLane - 27-05-2012

Elvis Costello is wonderful. Pure talent. I come home from a long day and put " My Aim is True " on the turntable and fall into bliss. So I decided to create this thread for everyone to post their favorite Costello tracks and comment on others, maybe get some discussion flowing. And for those of you who are not familiar with his music, well now you can get a good listen ( hopefully).

So it is hard for me to pick a favorite, but I will. I have two but one is hard to find a video to but it is Elvis Costello - Radio Sweetheart, I absolutely adore that track.

Now the other track is a rare track of his. It is unbelievably beautiful and plucks at the heart strings. Absolutely lovely.

The Elvis Costello Thread: Because He Deserves It! - CRAZY-HORSE - 27-05-2012

another big Elvis fan by the sounds of!

theres only three maybe four of his albums i dont have, liking every one of them, but Juliet Letters is my least favourite one??!!??!!

The Elvis Costello Thread: Because He Deserves It! - Jerome - 27-05-2012

Sorry, going to have to pass on this one. Never been a EC fan. His voice irritates me for some reason.

The Elvis Costello Thread: Because He Deserves It! - CRAZY-HORSE - 27-05-2012 of those artists who you either love or hate i guess...

you should check out some of his song lyrics though..i find him to be quite articulate,emotive and 'thinking outside the square" for the most part...

either way, one of only a couple of artists to survive the late 1970s punk era and still constantly recording

The Elvis Costello Thread: Because He Deserves It! - SteveO - 27-05-2012

IMHO Elvis never released a bad album! Must be an interesting household with his wife, the Canadian jazz pianist Diana Krall!

National Ransom was reviewed earlier on's a great album!..with a cool cover!

[Image: 220px-NationalRansom.jpg]

The Elvis Costello Thread: Because He Deserves It! - quayy - 27-05-2012

only one elvis and it ain't him

The Elvis Costello Thread: Because He Deserves It! - PennyLane - 27-05-2012

quayy Wrote:only one elvis and it ain't him

There is an Elvis and an Elvis Costello and both are talent.

The Elvis Costello Thread: Because He Deserves It! - CRAZY-HORSE - 28-05-2012

quayy Wrote:only one elvis and it ain't him

cant agree with you...sorry!

im a huge fan of both "Elvis'"

The Elvis Costello Thread: Because He Deserves It! - PennyLane - 28-05-2012

CRAZY-HORSE Wrote:cant agree with you...sorry!

im a huge fan of both "Elvis'"

If there was a "like" button for this, I would click it.

The Elvis Costello Thread: Because He Deserves It! - BrilliantDisguise - 28-05-2012

Another fan of Elvis Costello here! Pump It Up, Radio Radio, Alison, Less Than Zero, etc etc etc. Very talented musician!