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Please Give Constructive Criticism on my Band - Printable Version

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Please Give Constructive Criticism on my Band - scerrato - 05-07-2012

Check out my band and leave some thoughts and ideas to help
[video=youtube;LDJ7ydnOeY0] index=10&feature=plcp[/video]

Please Give Constructive Criticism on my Band - Jerome - 05-07-2012

Tighten up the timing. Nothing really bad with what you are doing but lots of timing mistakes. Listen carefully to what the other members of the band are doing (no matter which member of the band you are). Bass and drums need to tighten up as a team. Nothing wrong with their playing as such but with this type of music you need a really tight foundation. Vocals are vague - if it wasn't a well-known song no-one would understand (or hear) the words. Plenty of potential - just needs some homework.