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Songwriting - Printable Version

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Songwriting - Kristy Leone - 01-12-2012

:evil:What inspires a Songwriter or Musician to write a song or a piece of music? Your thoughts please.

Songwriting - SteveO - 02-12-2012

For the love and their compassion of music and their unrelenting desire to write that "perfect" song ! The artist is comitted to his craft of songwritng and is full of ideas,originality, creativity and sheer ambition. They are inspired by the music that came before them.

Sometime I think it borders on the line of obsession and addiction in a meaningful way. For example not a year or a few months go by and low and behold Steven Wilson has released another project !!!!!!

In some sad instances I think the musician is inspired to write a song for monetary gains as is the case of a lot of poppy catchy tunes that sell well these days.

Songwriting - Kristy Leone - 09-12-2012

Thanks for replying to my last thread. Indeed a piece of music or a song written by a musician of a songwriter from his or her heart would last longer than that inspired by monetary gains.
Kristy Leone.