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Hi guys.
My name is Lyndsay and I am interested in the Arts and more recently classical music and opera (as I'm getting a little tired of the pop charts). Can anyone suggest any useful links/recommend any composers/pieces for a beginner? Thanks.
Hmmm. A good place to start is to think of classical music used in films and TV adverts that you liked. They are usually easy to listen to and can get you started.

I recently wanted to expose mysefl to more classical guitar music. I love the sound of the instrument, but I diddnt have much guitar music. So I basically went into HMV and get the generic "20 classic guitar hits" blah blah so bland. But it got me started. From there I got a feel for what kind of guitar music I liked and what composers to start with.

So yea, I suggest getting a complication CD of classical music, see what pieces you like, and expand from there Smile

Hope that helps.
i hope if i could help.. anyway, i wish u the best of luck Wink
Try Rachmaninoff...if you have a romantic bone in your body, you'll like him.
In my case - when i was early teenager - i began classical music by pop-classics, mozart and various piano pieces.
But, i think cultural background, age and character would make different tastes between persons.

In my opinion, opening your ears to various genre, composer and era would be helpful to pick your favorites.

How about try listening classical music radio?

Any music which moves your heart could be your first choice to begin and buy the music then "Listen and Listen".
Lyndsay26 Wrote:Hi guys.
My name is Lyndsay and I am interested in the Arts and more recently classical music and opera (as I'm getting a little tired of the pop charts). Can anyone suggest any useful links/recommend any composers/pieces for a beginner? Thanks.

Hey you should start initial lesson from any good music teacher wholeheartedly and practice the lesson on daily basis.Hope that you will succeed.

miracle Wrote:How about try listening classical music radio?
British Classic FM is a good one - they broadcast popular classical music, which is accessible for a starter yet really good.
welcome Lyndsay. I new too


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