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FINALLY!! Chinese Democracy!
rocknrollchick Wrote:All I want is that kick ass guitar

You could have expected the outcome without Slash playing the guitars. Not that Slash is such a terrific player but he is at least better than all the not-even-mediocre musicians on this album.
trbc08 Wrote:I'm sorry, haha. It's hard to read intent in text, as I'm sure you know.
Not when you know Tigger of old as a few of us do, my friend! :wink:

Enjoy the fruits of life, for the fruits of death are few. (©Rod Jeffery 1990)
Anybody tracking that Ron Thal is guitarist now? Does anybody know him from before he joined GnR?

Look up a band called Bumblefoot (kind of hard to find mp3s) but if you can get a cd it's worth it. The guitar tracks that Thal lays down if pretty incredible.
Yeah, the wait was far too long. Over the course of 13 years of songwriting and such, I thought that Chinese Democracy was going to be an absolutely amazing rock album, but it's pretty average to me.
You can tell that Axl got his way when it came to songwriting - many of the songs on Chinese Democracy feel to me like they belong in a musical of some sort Tongue
Despite this, there are some good rock songs on the album - Shackler's Revenge, Scraped and Chinese Democracy itself are OK.
I came across the following headline today in one of my RSS feeds...

Feds Want Six Month Prison Term for Guns N' Roses Leaker


^link to the story. Thats pretty crazy if you think about it.

(Deeper Music Discovery)

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