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Would you listen to music in a language you didn't understand?
Yeah if it is good to hear Big Grin.... haha..^_^
Certainly, if I liked the music enough. Lyrics, for me, are mostly a bonus, it's generally the music that determines whether or not I like a song.

Some very good stuff comes out of Germany and Germanic speaking countries. There is a song I've heard a couple of times by a guy with a surname something like "Grobe", i think he is Austrian. It's very cruisy in an electronic sort of way.

I have several albums by Brazilian artists, who of course sing mostly in Portuguese. While I do understand a bit of Portuguese, having lived in Brazil for several months, I can't understand most of what is being sung, except for a few words - but that does not matter much when I am listening to the music.

This song for example - the title translates literally as "Light and Mystery" but "Clarity and Mystery" is probably a better rendition of the meaning.

I listen to Quebecois French music! A lot of it is very good and it's Canadian! Canada is a bilingually official country. I know a bit of French so if the song is slow I can get the jest of it! then there's France's Edith Piaf!!!!
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
Italian lovers of progressive rock will tell you that the Italian prog is the best. While they do have a tendency to promote themselves, I can understand why they would say that. Italian is a language that lends itself to the symphonic story-telling style of much classic prog. There is a very highly respected Italian prog band called PFM (for short); I think in their early days they were very influenced by Pink Floyd, but found their own sound later on.

Personally I think the English have always done the best progressive rock, though some excellent stuff comes out of unlikely places such as Poland and Norway. Of courses most of them sing in English, because they want to sell a few records.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned the French band Magma, who actually sing everything in their own fictitious language that they made up. Perhaps it's because no one here is a fan? (I'm certainly not.)
You mean like most[rap songs]?
Well I can listen music in any european language. Asian, arabic and african languages very specific for us. And you can find them only in internet.
What about Deep Forest?

I love those first two albums, which I have on a 2-for-1 CD set. The first has African chants, the second Eastern European and Romany language singing. When I listen to them, I hardly notice that I can't understand the words.
I do consider lyrics to be a rather important aspect of music to me since I can connect with personally relevant ones, however, I listen to some Latin music, Finnish, Middle Eastern, Celtic so sometimes there will be non-english lyrics which is fine with me.
(12-01-2011, 05:21)CRAZY-HORSE Wrote: LOL

i know what you mean about different languages sounding good or bad...the French could mention 'doggy doo' and it would sound seductive!
some languages,say middle eastern, chinese, croat, german sound aggressive
others like irish,US southern drawl, canadian, italian have a sexy feel to them.

as for different languages in song, i dont think it really matters that much as i rely on the 'feel' of it to get me in, afterall, music is the only universal language,sorry!, along with love and war

I agree with just about everything you say except for the Irish take. I find Irish an awful language to listen to. Not smooth at all.
Somewhere between right and wrong there is a garden. I will meet you there - Rumi

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