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some jazz families
There aren't that many but everything from 2 bros to the Tribe Marsalis, and including 2 Canadian sisters, is fair game. Coming up are the Jones brothers from Detroit, the Brecker brothers, the Jensen sisters, the Adderley brothers, and, natch, New Orleans' own Tribe Marsalis (both father and sons).
The Brecker brothers: The wiki for both Randy and Michael Brecker together; both had tremendous careers as solo artists, band leaders etc.:
Some tunes together--you are entreated to seek out each bros individual work: << just love this song and this is an apex perf--hit that repeat button, willya? << Have you heard a better drum solo lately? Me either. Have you spent a better 10 minutes lately? Me either. << I know you've heard this song before w/o knowing much about it. << THE all-star group from near-40-years ago. << in 1980 w/special guest Dizzy Gillespie << weakish sound volume << Mr. G was playing in a funky style at that time. He was not condescending....he was being his own natural Dizzy-freaking-Gillespie. << The instrumentation and charts may have changed with the times--the musical feeling definitely didn't.

BONUS 1: their full concert in Barcelona in (I believe) 1994--fusion jazz at its zenith:
BONUS 2: Now here's something special--the Breckers playing with AWB live in '77--anybody got a video of this? PM about hard-copy of this if so... << I believe all these guys thoroughly enjoyed playing together--it is called "playing", isn't it?

The Jensen sisters of BC, Canada Ain't no gender shtuff or Canada-pandering going on here--these cats can blow with the best. They haven't played together enough to warrant a wiki entry--Ingrid Jensen (tpt) may be better known but Christine Jensen (sax) composes music and leads a big-band, and has arguably done more for jazz in Canada.
Ingrid Jensen and
Christine Jensen << funny thing, this Site showing a pic of a trumpeter... and
Ingrid may be the more talented, accomplished musician; Christine is much more the complete musical person--love'm both dearly.
Some tunes: << I believe you'll come back to this one... << Christine as band leader with special guest, Ingrid << Modern big band bop/post-bop jazz at its peak.

SEMI-BONUS:: Interview with the sisters then at about 6:40 some music interspersed with more narrative:

To be continued...
A man accustomed to hear only the echo of his own sentiments, soon bars all the common avenues of delight, and has no part in the general gratification of mankind--Dr. Johnson
What he said. Amen, Bro--JazzboCR
Next up: The Jones brothers of Detroit--Elvin Jones, Hank Jones and Thad Jones. A pre-eminent drummer, a pianist/bandleader/compose/arranger and a trumpeter/composer/ bandleader (with Mel Lewis in their great Orchestra)--that, folks is a line-up of talent in a family not equaled 'til the Marsalis' came along. They didn't play together all that often but after the AMG, here's some cuts from a '58 album:

Now some from each:
Elvin Jones Wiki: << good discog in the Wiki--most recordings are 4-star and even the lesser-rated have warm reviews. << not for every taste but a post-bop 4tet par excellence. << a bit more accessible but explosive polyrhythms are always the order-of-the-day with Mr. EJ
BONUS 1: 1-hour concert from 1990:
BONUS 2: the trio (John McLaughlin. Elvin Jones, Joey DeFrancesco) 1-hour live gig in '96: << Their take on these tunes, oh my...I have an out-of-body experience listening...Truly. Turn this up and ride the shivers.

Thad Jones Most of his later career was spent being co-maven of the Thad Jones-Mel Lewis Big Band (later, Orchestra) but had a lively career beforehand. Probably the most all-around-accomplished of the Bros and not least, everybody's #1 call as sideman. Wiki: << some of the more complex music composed/arranged for modern large aggregations--an utter master, approaching genius status. << Lovely take on this Gershwin classic << trumpet or fluegelhorn, he had tone for days << to many folks including bandmates consternation, he moved to Denmark

Hank Jones Usually blues-based but always self-effacing, he was both a band-leader and composer but also the "go-to" sideman for all manner of projects, especially the quieter ones--just look at the list of great recordings he was on. Wiki: >> Site (opens with music and an interview/Terry Gross commentary: << he let his brothers tear ahead with big-bands and bombast... << his metier was quiet quality << this & the previous from a Japanese tour << The Japanese adore him
BONUS 1: a near-hour Master Class for piano students and keyboard instructors--doesn't show just his imagination and execution, but also how a gentleman conducts his on-stage business (admittedly it's easier to be genuinely humble when you are that great but still...):
BONUS 2: 45 minute thing with the magnificent Joe Lovano in '08:
A man accustomed to hear only the echo of his own sentiments, soon bars all the common avenues of delight, and has no part in the general gratification of mankind--Dr. Johnson
What he said. Amen, Bro--JazzboCR
Now those soul-jazz masters, the Adderley brothers. Nat Adderley wrote a song that's been endlessly covered, "Work Song": and and and now individually:
Nat Adderley wiki: << They make the cogent point that, as good as he was, he mostly fell into his exuberant brother's shadow. << an all-star Riverside Records session featuring Wes Montgomery when he was playing, you know, real jazz. << a tune that may have slipped by you... << from a great, unheralded CD << one of the best ever on mute (Chet Baker, Miles Davis) << mutual respect between reeds and horns

Julian "Cannonball" Adderley What a soul-jazz monster he was! A rollicking guy that always played jazz that you could move a body part or two to in your tutu.. Wiki: << died at 47 of a brain death--damned shame. Got experimental in his later years. << does this intro ever speak the truth !! << If you thought of Mr. CA as only soul jazz...

BONUS 1: This is really a Miles Davis album but for contractual reasons, had to list Mr. Adderley as leader--withal, a terrif disc:
BONUS 2: from that great archive outfit, Jazz Icons * , this 1-1/2 hour gig in Germany '63:

* Jazz Icons has great sets of, well, jazz icons. I have 4 sets so far.:
A man accustomed to hear only the echo of his own sentiments, soon bars all the common avenues of delight, and has no part in the general gratification of mankind--Dr. Johnson
What he said. Amen, Bro--JazzboCR
Wow...thank you jazzboCR! it's really nice of u to do so...

Merry Christmas!!!
And now for the other great trio of brothers who actually played as a trio of brothers (in a quintet setting). The Heath brothers: They had quite good careers as solo artists too. All their major label stuff is material worth seeking out and Collectables has a 2fer of Columbia recordings.
Some tunes by The Heath Brothers: << What a gorgeous piece this is! << another beauty... <<...but they didn't do just mellow/dreamy
SEMI-BONUS : 1/2 hour Master Class:

Albert "Tootie" Heath The drummer but not just some time-keeper--his first recording was with John Coltrane, and he's a full Instructor at the the Stanford Jazz Workshop (been teaching and holding workshops his whole career). If you know anyone interested in jazz drumming/percussion, direct them to: << He's leader and producer. << masterful all around--hard-bop in it's heyday in Mr. Gordon's new back yard. << Lovely piece though the drums are over-miked and the whole thing a bit harsh--running it through your processor will yield a benefit << Wanna get that party started with a big bang? Oh, Daddy... A trio with 2 class guys.
SEMI-BONUS: Extensive print interview:

Jimmy Heath "Little Bird" for his association with Charlie Bird. Also a jazz educator who's prominence and warmth led other jazz biggies to his programs:
and Site: << From a comp of his Riverside recordings (early '60's) << JH said he loved blowing changes on this tune. One of the 5 best ever on a fave song (Miles Davis, Stan Getz...). << He may have been too skinny to be drafted by the US Army (true fact) but he's sure O/W a giant... "...warm and energetic..." indeed.
SEMI-BONUS: a 20-minute JH Big Band clip:
A man accustomed to hear only the echo of his own sentiments, soon bars all the common avenues of delight, and has no part in the general gratification of mankind--Dr. Johnson
What he said. Amen, Bro--JazzboCR

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