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Why do tastes differ?
We all love different music? Why so? What makes you say that you like or dislike this music?
I've thought about this a lot (I'm an artist myself & it matters...). My guess is it's to do with who we want to be ourselves. We see or hear something in music or an artist that we aspire to and listen repeatedly in order to get closer to it.

That's a hard question to answer;-).

My theory is that most music is enjoyable if you get familiar with it, so I believe initially your tastes will revolve around what you're exposed to. If you then choose to explore non-mainstream stuff, then the post above comes into play; we gravitate toward what we consider cool.

Beyond that it's a case of where you choose to go...
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture"

I personally believe it's about who you are as a person. I love bands like Modest Mouse, Coheed and Cambria, Sun Kill Moon, Spoon, etc. These are bands that the general populace don't know of, and won't listen to because it's different. Maybe its the sound of the singer's voice(Coheed and Cambria specifically for that example) or the variety of instruments or simply the lyrics. And I'm a rather odd person lol, a likeable one at that... but I'm just not one the bandwagon with the other people I'm around.
Yea, It's a hard question=) That's why I ask it - I don't know the exact answer (if it exists)
And it becomes more difficult when tastes are different in one person... e.g. I personally enjoy quite different music: one day I'm in love with Jazz variation, next day (or some minutes later))) I'm all in the world of rock power....
But it's obvious that mostly it depends on one's state of mind. well..but what is this link between our soul and music???

Schmidty797, thank you for the bands you've mentioned - they're cool. And you know, I think, that everyone who has some expierence in Art is "odd" a little bit=)))
not sure really....and i dont really care, i have no ambition to analyze why i like the music i like or that which i dont, to do so would complicate the experience to the point of not enjoying it....
if it sounds good i'll listen to it,whatever the 'genre' if it doesnt, i wont.
liking Neil Young does not mean i like grunge(i dislike most of it) or folk music(probably 50% i find boring), but there's obviously something in the way he expesses it that attracts me to his music,whether its the notes,the chords,the melodies, his vocals, the lyrics...makes no difference, what he does is good...most of the time.
35 million sales of Dark Side Of The Moon,does nothing for me, but the couple of million sales of The Division Bell does...thst's music!
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

who knows

I like chocolate
my wife prefers vanilla


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