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Jerome Wrote:I don't own any Lou Reed - am I missing something?

MH loves his first three albums...
I love "New York"...
I really want to get "Transformer"(his solo debut).

I'm sure you'd probably enjoy those ones...

His albums generally have a theme running through them so a compilation is a waste of time as nothing flows sequentially, that would be like getting a Jethro Tull or PF compilation to me....
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: Fisherman%27s_Blues_Waterboys_Album_Cover.jpg]
THE WATERBOYS "fisherman's blues" cd, 1988

career stats:
studio albums...........11

this album......................#13 UK.......#26 AU.......#76 US
"fisherman's blues"..........#32 UK........#54 AU
"and a bang on the ear"....#51 UK
"world party" chart action

The Waterboys' fourth studio album, and a swap from a mate on this forum....
ive always been a fan of these guys but never actually got round to buying any albums(I own a couple of singles on vinyl though)
album is very folky to my ears, lots of traditional folky instruments and sounds abound....
the album simply blw me sideways from the opening sounds of the opening track....
its well written,sung and produced, I will be following up on this one....
despite its poor showing on the charts at the time, this is the band's biggest selling album worldwide...
the music critics hated this when first issued because it marked a change in sound for the band,now though, the music critics hail it as one of the best
albums of that period....hindsight is a wonderful thing sometimes!
anyway, I love this album,even the tracks that only get a like score come close to me loving them, and who knows, with repeated listens they well might...
awesome stuff Jerome, thanks!


worst track: dunfords fancy
best track: has anybody here seen hank?



1...fisherman's blues ***
2...we will not be lovers ***
3...strange boat *** party ***
5...sweet thing **
6...jimmy hickey's waltz(instrumental) **
7...and a bang on the ear ***
8...has anybody here seen hank? ***
9...when will we be married? ***
10.when ye go away **
11.dunford's fancy(instrumental) *
12.the stolen child **


rating: 2.5
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

very good album

Jerome Wrote:I don't own any Lou Reed - am I missing something?
what CH said


as a recommendation I won't go past those first 3 albums.............ok, maybe New York
and if you don't like VU you won't like those
Berlin is my favorite

[Image: MI0001707792.jpg?]

another step down the ladder for me
a full 10 years after the last one I posted
this is Lou's 14th album
#47 US / #69 UK

one of the few I like


OK thx for the recco's gents.
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.
[Image: 220px-Bombs_Away_Sheppard.jpg]

SHEPPARD "bombs away" cd,2014

this album.....................#2 AU.......#31 US.......#81 UK
"Geronimo"....................#1 AU.......#53 US.......#15 UK
"something's missing"....#35 AU
"smile".........................#63 AU
"let me down easy" chart action
"a-grade playa" chart action

Debut set from these Aussie alt-folk guys(and gals).....
lots of modern folky sounds on this one,a bit Mumfordy in places(but better than those guys!)....
band received the "breakthrough artist" award at the ARIA's last year and rightfully so IMO....
album has gone five-times platinum here in Australia and platinum in NZ also(but theres no chart action listed for the album over there for some reason!
all up a good album of catchy tunes, surprised to find my favourite track didn't chart here(maybe it wasn't released here-that's all I can think of)


worst track: find someone
best track: let me down easy



1...Geronimo ***
2...somethings missing ***
3...let me down easy ***
4...these people **
5...a-grade playa ** **
7...the best is yet to come ***
8...this electric feeling **
9...find someone *
10.lingering **
11.halfway to hell **


rating: 2.2
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 220px-Saturnspattern.jpg]
PAUL WELLER "saturns pattern" cd, 2015

solo career stats:
studio albums..........12
live albums..............4

this album stats.................#2 UK.....#58 AU
"white sky" chart action
"saturns pattern".............#102 UK
"going my way" chart action

Weller's twelfth studio album as a solo artist and twenty-third over his thirty-eight year recording career(if you count Style Council/The Jam)....
too much happening on this one, and too much of nothing overall...
Weller is trying to be too eclectic these days instead of focusing on what the fans expect/want and what he is good at....
along with The Jam's "this is the modern world",Style Council's "cost of loving"/"modernism" and his solo "sonic kicks" this ranks down there with those...
lyrically,very little happening,musically,noisy and fragmented, melodies,non-existant all round...
there are a couple of genuinely cool moments on it, but that doesn't make an album....
maybe the Brit's love-affair with Weller is waning as although this peaked at #2 over there it is yet to reach 'silver' status, and that's the first solo album his
that hasn't gone 'silver','gold' or platinum' over there....
all up, a disappointing effort from Mr.Weller, that's two duds in a row now, and as you know, im a huge fan of this guy


worst track: in the car
best track: going my way



1...white sky **
2...saturns pattern *
3...going my way ***
4...long time **
5...pick it up *
6...I where I should be *
7...phoenix ** the car *
9...these city streets *


rating: 1.5
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 220px-Neil_Young_The_Monsanto_Years.jpg]
NEIL YOUNG & THE PROMISE OF THE REAL "the Monsanto years" cd, 2015

solo career stats:
studio albums...............36
live albums....................7

this album...................#23 AU.....#24 UK

if you count the Buffalo Springfield/CSNY/soundtracks and Stills-Young studio albums that makes fifty-one studio albums since 1966,thats an average
of one a year since he started recording....that's an astonishing feat whoever the artist....
its also his sixth studio album in the last five years....
his albums over the last decade have been 'thrown together' IMO, lots of fluff with only a few gems amongst the sewerage...
this album features Willie Nelson's sons and their band as his backing band....
the song matter centres around GMO bio-chemist company Monsanto and the way theyre muscling in on the farmers of America to grow their genetically modified crops...
and Neil is not happy,infact, he is as pissed here as he was in 2005 with his anti "W" rants on "living with war"....
music here is electric,only one acoustic track to be heard..., its not has heavy as the grunge of the Crazy Horse material, but it is electric....
lots of intelligent lyrics here(whether you believe his ideals or not, he makes good arguments for his point of view), nice melodies all round and the bonus of this album
is that it comes with a bonus dvd of Neil and band playing all of the tracks live in the studio, theres also a short doco on Monsanto and snipets of interviews with Neil Young...
all up, a pleasing album, and certainly his best one since 2007's "chrome dreams II"


worst track: people want to hear about love
best track: a rockstar bucks a coffee shop



1...a new day for love **
2...wolf moon **
3...people want to hear about love **
4...big box **
5...a rockstar bucks a coffee shop ***
6...working man ***
7...rules of change **
8...Monsanto years **
9...if I don't know **


rating: 2.1
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: MI0000090270.jpg?]

#110 US, #26 UK
his 17th album
Lou was done at this point

one of a few that pass



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