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#40 US, #14 UK
I'm out of order as usual
backtracking to Lou's 15th album
his best for me after his first 3


that's my favourite of his as you know, but I haven't heard his first three in their entirety, so I cant totally comment or make comparisons really
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 220px-Ben_Harper_-_Give_Till_It%27s_Gone_cover.JPG]

BEN HARPER "give till its gone" cd, 2011

career stats:
studio albums.............12

this album...................#15 US...#9 AU
"rock and roll is free" chart action
"don't give up on me now" chart action

Ben's tenth studio album and only one I own....
I used to own "diamonds on the inside" but it seems to have disappeared over several moves of residence....
Ben covers a lot of different genres on his albums, he is just as comfortable in funk, rock, jazz, blues, folk as he is in alt rock and
this album is no different....
i've always thought of his as being similar to Lenny Kravitz in a lot of respects so fans of Lenny will like Benny....
from memory his "diamonds" album was a bit better than this one but this is still pretty darn good to my ears...
two of my three love tracks were issued as singles but its the third one that I love most of all as it does have a Kravitz rock feel to it...

worst track: spilling faith
best track: dirty little lover



1...don't give up on me now ***
2...I will not be broken **
3...rock and roll is free ***
4...feel love **
5...clearly severely **
6...spilling faith *
7...get there from here *
8...pray that our love sees the dawn **
9...waiting on a sign **
10.dirty little lover *** it for you,do it for us **


rating: 2.1
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: MI0003591305.jpg?]

former VU's got together for this tribute to Andy
they do it all with Lou getting most of the vocals but John has 5
there were plans to take the show on the road
but after the recording was complete John vowed never to work with Lou again

he must have unless this live performance was before that


[Image: 71ri6%2B2G6TL._SX425_.jpg]

COURTNEY BARNETT "the double ep:a sea of split peas" cd, 2014

Aussie indi-rock artist...
this is a single disc containing all twelve tracks from here first two 'ep' releases from 2012 and '13....
she sings in a deadpan style,but she is still in tune...
lyrically its all about the mundane normalities of everyday life, but this gal sees thing outside the box so
theres a few little twists as to the way she sees it,interesting set of songs to say the least...she has just released her first complete album of tracks
she has received rave reviews across Europe and the US, so hopefully success will follow her in the near future...


worst track: canned tomatoes
best track: david



1...out of the woodwork **
2...don't apply compression **
3...avant gardener ***
4...history eraser ***
5...david ***
6...anonymous club **
7...lance jnr ***
8...are you looking after yourself? **
9...scotty says **
10.canned tomatoes *
11.porcelain **
12.ode to odetta *


rating: 2.2
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

^ Reminds me of Courtney Love but much better! She plays guitar also,,,a definite plus! I like her! Thanks Crazy mate!
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
[Image: MI0003515955.jpg?]

album #17
#80 US, #6 UK
his highest charting in the UK
What's Good was a single but only showed up on the Modern Rock chart
the last of my Lou Reed cd's
Transformer was the best
Set The Twilight Reeling the worst

love the music here but Reed's vocals.............
not that I ever thought he could sing
worse than Dylan probably


[Image: 220px-The_Killers_-_Battle_Born.jpg]

career stats:
studio albums.........4

this album........................#3 US.....#2 AU....#1 UK.....#3 CAN
"runaways".....................#78 US...#67 AU...#18 UK...#36 CAN
"miss atomic bomb" chart action....................
"here with me"..............#109 US..............................#88 CAN

Brandon Flowers and Co's fourth studio album...
I own three of them and one of Brandon's solo that makes me a fan I guess....
this one is a bit more polished and produced than their previous efforts, but I love it,
in fact its probably my favourite album by them...
no more to be said, you either like these guys or you don't....


worst track: deadlines and commitments
best track: here with me



1...flesh and bone **
2...runaways ***
3...the way it was *** with me ***
5...a matter of time **
6...deadlines and commitments **
7...miss atomic bomb ***
8...the rising tide ***
9...heart of a girl **
10.from here on out *** still **
12.battle born ***


rating: 2.6
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

.....which reminds me, I need to get their debut set!
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: MI0001482668.jpg?]

#36 US, #100 UK
debut album
probably a backtrack for me
one of my favorite bands for a period
until I found out what an ass Michael Stipe was



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