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What Are You Listening To?
from the cd room

[Image: Soft_Cell_-_The_Very_Best_of_Soft_Cell_Coverart.jpg]

I have 2 of their 5 albums on vinyl but needed a cd compilation
back then they were electronic to me
then the Brits took it to another level
from which it has never returned to sanity

very nice live clip here


Thanks for the Live clips fellas!
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
from the cd room

#83 in 1992

[Image: 220px-Sonic_youth_dirty_original_album_cover.jpg]

#34 in 1994

[Image: 220px-SonicYouth-ExpermentalJetSetTrashAndNoStar.jpg]

#58 in 1995

[Image: 220px-SonicWashingMachine.jpg]

#85 in 1998

[Image: 220px-SonicYouthAThousandLeavesalbumcover.jpg]

#126 in 2002

[Image: 220px-Murray_Street_%28album%29.jpg]

#64 in 2004

[Image: 220px-Sonic_Nurse.jpg]

loved these guys back in the vinyl day
have a few prior to these in that format
tried to keep up with them via cd's
these are six near consecutive (missing NYC Ghosts & Flowers from 2000)
only 2 since that last one
I should fill it in I guess
I've come this far


from the vinyl shed

[Image: Randynewman-bornagaincover.jpg]

his 6th album
looks like I dropped him after this dud
charted at #41 here
there were only 2 albums left before a 10 year break
last was in 2008

this is about the depth of this album


from the cd room

[Image: 220px-Soundgarden_a-sides_cover.jpg]

wouldn't call myself a fan of this band
I have Louder Than Love on vinyl
picked up this compilation at some point
it covers 5 of their 6 albums
their last was in 2012

the only track I really like


I have a compilation also..."telephantasm" from around 2010....
only like five of the twelve tracks....
the one you linked is my favourite track of theirs though....
I also have a Chris Cornell solo album "carry on", I like that one.
I guess I don't like Soundgarden....

strange thing is...I don't like Pearl Jam much neither, but I love Eddie Vedder's voice(same scenario with all grunge bands including Nirvana.)
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

Me too.............................
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.
Buddy Greene, the man who wrote the music
for Mary Did You Know playing his harmonica.
I like this little video. Buddy has a good sense
of humor too as does Mark.
from the cd room

[Image: 220px-Vivadixiesubmarinetransmissionplot.jpg]

don't know how I picked this up
it's not any good
debut album from this Virginia band
had some legs after touring with Radiohead
5 albums and all have only charted in the UK

from this one


stupid band name....
stupid title.....
stupid cover art....
never heard of them...

and anyone associated with Radiohead is a no go IMO.
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.


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