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Pink Floyd - Animals - have not listened to this one in it's entirety for quite a while - fantastic album. Forgotten how good it was.
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.
Took delivery of Colin Masson's CD’s, so intending to immerse myself in this lovely music uninterrupted by the various distractions of online listening. First up – The Southern Cross … an excerpt - "Compass Rose" -

[Image: R-6680470-1424499348-7218.jpeg.jpg]
"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us." ~ Bill Watterson
which ones did you end up buying Ruby???

I got "the southern cross", "isle of eight" and "the mad monk and the mountain"

I haven't got round to playing them as yet but I will put one in the car on Monday and give it a few spins through the week.
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

CRAZY-HORSE Wrote:which ones did you end up buying Ruby???

I got "the southern cross", "isle of eight" and "the mad monk and the mountain"

I haven't got round to playing them as yet but I will put one in the car on Monday and give it a few spins through the week.

I also have all three CH – may as well not mess about! Not sure what the neighbours think, but I’m enjoying them :biggrin1:. He’s an extremely fine guitarist, IMHO – still love “Tilting at Windmills” from The Mad Monk & the Mountain as most favoured track (thus far – there’s some way to go!) ….
"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us." ~ Bill Watterson
leave page.

... Keep your 'lectric eye on me babe
Put your ray gun to my head ...

Icehouse - Code Blue

I like this band, but I am not so much of a fan that I would want all their albums. I only have two - this one, and Measure For Measure (and Primitive Man on vinyl, must upgrade it sometime so I can listen to it again). Man of Colours is their big one; it's a good album, but I don't know, maybe I have been exposed to it too much.

Bad Company - Bad Company - one you should get CH!
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.
Jerome Wrote:Bad Company - Bad Company - one you should get CH!

I have their second album "straight shooter",
thanks, i'll keep that one in mind mate.
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 220px-Sound_awake.png]

KARNIVOOL "sound awake" cd, 2009

career stats:
studio albums............3

this album................#2 AU

Australian prog rock/ hard rock band from here in Perth...
theyre a 'supergroup' of sorts because members are floating and all are in other bands
ie: this is a side project for the band members...
some good stuff on this one and a couple of duds also...
two tracks are over ten minutes and most of the others exceed six minutes....
im not sure I would call them prog, but then again, theres only hints of hard rock/metal
also... but the cover are looks very proggy to me so who knows!
give my favourite track a listen and see what you guys think of what genre it belongs in???


worst track: simple boy
best track: deadman



1...simple boy *
2...goliath * day **
4...set ire to the hive *
5...umbra **
6...all I know ***
7...the medicine wears off **
8...the caudal lure **
9...illumine **
10.deadman ***
11.change (pt II) **


rating: 1.9
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 45.png]

COLIN MASSON "the mad monk and the mountain" cd, 2010

was introduced to this guy via a post made by Ruby a while ago....
it hard to place his style, but im going for Progressive with this one....
six tracks in all, four of which are instrumentals...
this guy has as much emotion and feeling in his instrumentals as Knopfler IMO...
track one is spoken word over music, track three is female vocals song is psedo-folky I guess...
of the instrumentals, I like three and dislike one....
tough call between "the mad monk and the mountain" and "the house on the rock" for best track...
im going for The House On The Rock...
from memory, my avourite track has flutes/woodwind in it, sounds a bit like Jethro Tull in places.
why do I like his instrumentals??????
because theyre not repetitive, they ebb and weave, speed up, slow down etc...
anyway, a good album, a cant wait to get my teeth into the other two I purchased...
and Jerome, you'd love his work mate, do yourself a favour and order his cds!


worst track: caradon's surprise
best track: the house on the rock



1...the lighthouse keepers **
2...tilting at windmills (inst) **
3...the ends of the earth **
4...the mad monk and the mountain (inst) **
5...caradon's surprise (inst) *
6...the house on the rock (inst) **


rating: 1.9
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.


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