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from the cd room
from L.A.
debut album
thought they were a novelty band when this came out
they have proven me wrong
this is the only album I have and it's not that great
I do love the Buddy Holly track
they are up to 10 albums now
the novelty continues
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thats the one nicknamed "the blue album" isn't it???
ive got a few of their albums, and like White Stripes, I play them and think, "this is cool" and when the album is finished I think "what the heck was that crap",
they have me so confused.
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..." - Me 2014.
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from the cd room
first time hearing this
I know this because it was unopened
a gift from me down under mate
Weller's third solo album and his best selling
heard some Traffic throughout this
then I see Winwood on a few tracks
I kid you not, I heard it before I saw it
amazing this guy is so big across the pond
and has only had 1 solo album even chart here
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album cover was painted by the same guy who created the Sgt Peppers album cover.
Weller has been offered a "knighthood" from The Queen on two occasions for his "services to English music", both times he knocked it back because he doesn't support anything to do with the British Class system.
theres really only Weller and Elvis Costello from that 1977 explosion of UK music who are still continually releasing music, sure Sting releases music but only sparsely.
he is also the biggest influence on UK bands/artists who have emerged since 1980, and more modern UK artists cite Weller as the reason they picked up a guitar and learned to play as kids.
"you do something to me" off Stanley Road is also the most popular song to be played as the "bridal waltz" in the UK in the last thirty years besides Robbiw Williams' "angels" song.
IMO, Stanley Road encompasses everything that sums up Paul weller's music, soul, pop, rock, ballads, a touch of alternative, its the complete package mate, not my favourite album of his, that honour goes to Wild Wood, the second solo set from 1993, but this one is the most accessible to "newcomers" to his music and my second favourite of his.
I probably would have picked "you do something to me" as my favourite, but yours is up there with it IMO.
BTW, i'd actually forgotten i'd even bought this one over for you, so your post was a complete surprise to me.
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..." - Me 2014.
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from the cd room
found another unopened one
probably picked it up from CH's review back in 2012
not as big on it as he was
at times Jack sounds like that dude from Modest Mouse
the album was just ok for me
a low like
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sorry for the dud recommendation mate, but Jack is an acquired taste, as are White Stripes.....
I know when im listening to either him solo or as one of his other pseudonyms I think "this is so cool", but the moment I finish listening and reflect on it
im thinking "what the heck was that crap"...
he's a strange guy, a weird persona/personality, and really out there on a limb with his music sometimes, but I get drawn in everytime.
most of the time his appearance reminds me of Edward Scissorhands....LOL.
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..." - Me 2014.
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from the cd room
does anybody here have her first album?
love most of this one
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They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..." - Me 2014.
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no need to thank me mate,
that's what the forum is for IMO....someone asks a question and someone else will always have the/an answer.
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..." - Me 2014.