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[Image: 220px-11shortstories.jpg]

DROPKICK MURPHYS "11 short stories of pain and glory" cd, 2017:

Band's eleventh studio set...
recorded in Nashville as opposed to Boston where they reside....
contains their usual punkish sounds mixed with Irish Folk...
songs are about the down-trodden, the oppressed and rebellion...
three singles off this one including their cover of "you'll never walk alone"
which coincidently happens to be the only track I dislike on the album...
not as good as my favourite album of theirs in "going out in style" but still pretty good,
from the album, my favourite track:

They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

Have just been listening to the album. It sounds great to me and agree with you that their 'You'll Never Walk Alone' could have been better. It's also worth listening to songs like 'Sandlot' and 'Paying My Way' . Another great album from Dropkick Murphys!:music:
Frands, I have five or six of their albums, all consistently good IMO.
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

Quote:Frands, I have five or six of their albums, all consistently good IMO.

I had five of their albums until I listened to the album '11 Shortstories Of Pain And Glory'. I had to buy the album because (As mp3 files over at Microsoft Groove) it's a really good album with good songs and sound. So now I have 6 albums with Dropkick Murphys. Wish I could find some similar bands in same music style and not to noisy. I like if there's some folk mixed up in the music Confusedmile:.

My albums:
Do Or Die
Going Out In Style
The Meanest Of Time
Signed And Sealed In Blood
11 Short Stories About Pain And Glory
[Image: 220px-Temples_-_Volcano.png]

TEMPLES "volcano" cd, 2017:

second album by this UK psychedelic rock band...
loved their debut "sun structures" from three years ago...
didn't think they could match the quality of that one but this one comes close...
these guys have more variation in their sound and the songs are more radio friendly
than better known psych-rock band Tame Impala...
still probably prefer the debut but this one is pretty good also...

They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

CJ Ramone/album: Reconquista(2012/You're The Only One:


from the cd room
the unopened stack

[Image: 220px-Awolnation-Megalithic-Symphony.jpeg]

from Cali
debut album
this only peaked at #84 here
yet it has reached platinum status
consistent airing of the Sail track has driven that
it is a good album

another track
with a stupid video


The Sisters of Mercy - Amphetamine Logic

The Booze Bombs/Out Of Time!/2014 (Rockabilly)

[Image: R-5416660-1392818109-2497.jpeg.jpg]

Terje Rypdal & The Chasers – Blue
[Image: 220px-Blue_%28Terje_Rypdal_album%29.jpg]

The complete opposite of easy listening, which I wouldn’t go as far as calling uneasy listening (although some might, I suppose), just demanding of attention! Quite avant garde and experimental, but engaging for me because there are continual sonic surprises and Terje Rypdal really knows a thing or two about making a guitar sing – I love his playing. There are jazz, rock and even ambient elements and it won’t be to everyone’s taste – I just like this kind of thing now and then – it sort of punctuates the regular, more structured stuff/genres. It’s instrumental, released in 1985 and The Chasers are bassist Bjørn Kjellemyr and drummer Audun Kleive.
Couldn’t settle on just one track, so this is “Kompet Går”, which according to Google translate means ‘competence goes’ so that was no help at all …
“I Disremember Quite Well” – I can relate to that, lol! ….
... and “Last Night” – 

"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us." ~ Bill Watterson

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