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Cesaria Evora, the barefoot diva - a 'best of' compilation. Love her sounds - she was something else ... 

Here's her rendition of "Bésame Mucho" which basically means 'Kiss Me a Lot' (it's been done by a whole lot of very clever artists and I think her version is vastly superior - so much more feeling - but that's just my view!  Blush ) -  

"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us." ~ Bill Watterson
[Image: 220px-KaleoAB2016.jpg]
KALEO  -   "A/B"  cd,  2016:

Icelandic alt rock band....
their second album....
a good mix of rock/alt rock and folky type material here...
well worth a listen if you get a chance...

not a rock track, closer to the sounds youd hear from the black slaves in the US:

and one of their rock tracks:

They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 220px-The_Hope_Six_Demolition_Project_%2...ver%29.png]

PJ HARVEY "the hope six development project"  cd,  2016:

Harvey's nineth and latest album...
only own one other, Let England Shake, I dislike that one...
album title is in reference to a scheme in the US by which local authorities
tore down run down areas and re built the area, critics of the scheme called it "social cleansing"
as the former residents couldn't afford the rent in these new homes...
full of alt rock sounds as you'd expect from Harvey...
highly politically charged songs here with Harvey offering her two cents worth to the scheme...
a very good album IMO

from the album:

They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 220px-MyAim_isTrue.jpg]

ELVIS COSTELLO  "my aim is true"  vinyl/cd  1977

really?, this album is now forty years old!...
sort of been going through an EC thing of late so I should really post them...
his debut....
recorded over a twenty-four hour period...
four singles off this one,"red shoes", "less than zero", watching the detectives"
and the classic "Alison"...
the album has been inducted into the Grammy Hall Of Fame and is often
cited by rock critics as "the greatest debut album ever"...
either way, I love it

from the album, the classic "Alison"

They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

Chamber/jazz/folk. Where does it go??! Lol!

Penguin Café, The Imperfect Sea. Just love it. 

The second track on this great live clip is my favourite from the album, I think. "Protection" - starts around 5.55, followed by the album opener "Ricercar" which is also fantastic. They are awesome IMHO!

"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us." ~ Bill Watterson
[Image: 61LQU0Wql6L._AC_US218_.jpg]

PAUL DEMPSEY  "strange loop"  cd,  2016:

frontman for Aussie alt rockers Something for Kate....
eleven albums with them and this is his third solo outing...
album made it to #5 here in Australia...
alt rock sounds here, some verging on the side of Prog at times, but never quite getting there fully...
an intelligent songwriter and one who rarely releases anything bad.

from the album, one of the singles:

They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 220px-TheJezabelsPrisoner.jpg]
THE JEZABELS   "prisoner"  cd,  2011:
Aussie indi-rock band...
debut album of three, I own the first two...
reached #2 on the Aussie charts, charted in European countries also...
female vocalist...
has a bit of a Florence And The Machine thing happening...
I like it

from the album, one of the singles:

They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 61BewYURgsL._AC_US218_.jpg]

PAUL WELLER  "a kind revolution"  cd,  2017:

pushed this one to the front of the unopened pile...
thirteenth solo set, twenty-fourth over all (in forty years)....
a return to form of sorts after the last two or three 'non-weller" albums...
a rocker, funk, soul, dance/disco, ballads, social commentary..
dance track, a duet with Boy George, I don't like that track...
love the love song, one of his best ever IMO

They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 51dcHUBViAL._AC_US218_.jpg]

THE LIVING END  "the ending is just the beginning repeating"  cd,  2011:

one of the last 'instore/ not for sale" preview cds I got off my mate Corey back in the day...
Aussie alt-rock band...
fifth album out of six I believe....
some good alt-rock tunes on here, some even border punk/rockabilly in places...
a good band, a good album that I would never have  bought otherwise...

from the album, my favourite track:

They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 51WoUz47WgL._AC_US218_.jpg]

WILLY MASON  "carry on"  cd, 2013:

one of those discount bin buys some time ago...
had never heard of Willy but I liked the album cover, so I took a chance...
glad I did....
alt folky/blues guy from New York, third album....
I hear John cash at times, also Springsteen with his folky type material...
hearing Gordon Lightfoot in places and add the lazy monotone of Ray Davies
from his slower acoustic tracks and you have Willy Mason...
not an immediate like, took a few listens to appreciate this one...
would have no hesitation buying another album o his if I ever saw one somewhere...
well worth a listen IMO...

from the album, my favourite track:

They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.


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