This where I would like to log anything pertaining my adventure into music production. There is a tough learning curve that comes with using Abeleton Live, my current DAW, I currently take no classes in audio and all that I learn is from the internet, I have no friends who interested in electronic music or DAWs so this is a job for a lone ranger. Most what I post will probably be of trashy electronic music but I have a interest in Rap as well, so please bear with me. Any advice is welcomed and wanted so long as it is constructive criticism and/or help. Do keep in mind I am a greenhorn to DAWs and production, without further due I would like to welcome you to my own little hell.
Okay so i have joined this new music forum called Music Discussion, and if you don't know what that is then you probably don't know where you are right now lol. Anyway, I slept for little less than 5 hours last night and I was awoken by my father to sweep the yard, I nearly cried when he knock on my door this morning. The following is something I will share because the possibility of any of you actually knowing me or ever meeting me is very minute, but I am currently jobless and educational-less. I was working on an AA Psychology degree to transfer a few months ago but my mind just could not take it, I preformed fine but my heart was not in it and saddening set in, so I said fuck it. Many of you may know this but it is a lot harder to find a job with no skills and my father has begun to worry about me, I highly doubt my music will be good enough to live off of before I find a steady job so until then I will work on my DAW. So insecurities aside I would like to present a new project I started yesterday, it comprises of 14 tracks of which are aimed toward an ambience sound, I would like to state that I own the Intro version of Ableton Live so I am working with a 16 track limit, I intend to address this problem by exporting every time I reach the limit and using the audio as a single track to continue building; It is a clever idea but I do see the strain of doing so.
I started with a synth from YT, it was a presentation of the new keyboard and I liked the sound so I looped it. The configuration is different and fades are used to make it more seamless, I doubled the track and panned them giving it some room. After I added percussion instruments and simply added different compressions, pans, and reverb, If i had to truthfully name the project it would be called "Reverb and Shit." Next I put a sample from a free pack in there and panned that shit too! Very interesting so far
That pretty much sums this audio up, I call it "Somewhere Out There."
Any concerns, questions, and helpful comments are welcome.
Okay so i have joined this new music forum called Music Discussion, and if you don't know what that is then you probably don't know where you are right now lol. Anyway, I slept for little less than 5 hours last night and I was awoken by my father to sweep the yard, I nearly cried when he knock on my door this morning. The following is something I will share because the possibility of any of you actually knowing me or ever meeting me is very minute, but I am currently jobless and educational-less. I was working on an AA Psychology degree to transfer a few months ago but my mind just could not take it, I preformed fine but my heart was not in it and saddening set in, so I said fuck it. Many of you may know this but it is a lot harder to find a job with no skills and my father has begun to worry about me, I highly doubt my music will be good enough to live off of before I find a steady job so until then I will work on my DAW. So insecurities aside I would like to present a new project I started yesterday, it comprises of 14 tracks of which are aimed toward an ambience sound, I would like to state that I own the Intro version of Ableton Live so I am working with a 16 track limit, I intend to address this problem by exporting every time I reach the limit and using the audio as a single track to continue building; It is a clever idea but I do see the strain of doing so.
I started with a synth from YT, it was a presentation of the new keyboard and I liked the sound so I looped it. The configuration is different and fades are used to make it more seamless, I doubled the track and panned them giving it some room. After I added percussion instruments and simply added different compressions, pans, and reverb, If i had to truthfully name the project it would be called "Reverb and Shit." Next I put a sample from a free pack in there and panned that shit too! Very interesting so far
Any concerns, questions, and helpful comments are welcome.