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really liked those tracks Ruby....
I have an album of his and it was sent to me by either you or Jerome, I apologise because I cannot remember whom sent it,
I guess you can both fight for bragging right over than one....
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..." - Me 2014.
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every time I see Shawn brought up here
I think of Jimmie Spheeris
anyone heard of?
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nice track MH, I can hear the similarities...
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..." - Me 2014.
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^^^Can't lay any claim to that CH. Twas not I.
^^MH, you mentioned Jimmie before and I listened around about then, but haven't since. There are definitely similarities. If I recall correctly, it's not easy to find his albums which I expect you have neatly tucked away in the famous shed!
"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us." ~ Bill Watterson
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THE BEATLES "rubber soul" cd, 1965
the Fab Four's sixth studio album in three years...
recorded over the space of four weeks...
Lennon's "nowhere man", "Norwegian wood", "girl" and "in my life" to name four...
I mean most artists don't write three songs that iconic in a career and this guy has three on one album...
then theres Paul's catchy soft rock/pop with "Michelle", one of the greatest songs of his career also...
throw in a couple from George and several others from Lennon/McCartney, and I aint going near Ringo's
charmless piece of crap...
this was a changing time for the Beatles they were really moving forward in their playing and writing techniques
and they would keep ahead of their piers from this album on...
album would probably miss the love mark for me due to the fact I don't like two songs, the Ringo and
the annoying Drive My Car...
I love the cheekiness of McCartney as he serenades Michelle Obama at The White House with this one
and the reaction of the Obama's is so cool....
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..." - Me 2014.
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Been trying to get to grips with The Enid, to whom I have not listened previously at any great length. It’s a very confusing business and may be a bit of a love/hate scenario! Robert John Godfrey is the mastermind behind it all (he originally orchestrated for BJH) and their music is basically what one would call classic rock – some say symphonic prog – I dunno – but in any event, it’s quite impressive that it’s mostly created on what are referred to as vintage synths. There are the regular real instruments of course – drums, guitars (very nice, courtesy of Francis Lickerish), piano/keyboards, and occasional additions like a tuba, bass, trumpet and oboe - it’s Godfrey’s ability to generate a whole symphony from the basics that is jaw-dropping.
There are some heart-achingly lovely pieces interspersed throughout the first two albums I’ve listened to, however, there’s also a lot of bombast, which for me, means that while I probably will listen again in the future, I’ll be unlikely to revisit them anytime soon - it’s quite a lot to digest! A piece of music trivia that I found fairly bizarre is that these guys constituted the band on Kim Wilde's debut album. The mind never ceases to boggle! Lol!
Those two albums are In The Region Of The Summer Stars (1976) and Aerie Faerie Nonsense (1977) - all instrumental – the more recent Enid incorporates vocalists, but not these early albums. Incidentally, Aerie Faerie Nonsense was partially re-recorded in 1983 as EMI had deleted the original from their catalogue – not sure why. Also, Mr Godfrey retired from touring in 2016 due to a diagnosis of Alzheimers but has recently returned as the diagnosis is suspected to have been flawed!! Some years ago he announced that all The Enid’s back catalogue would be freely available to download as high quality MP3’s, saying (quote from Wiki) "The purpose of this is to make sure that The Enid's music reaches as many people as possible and does not entirely disappear when I am dead. The Enid represents my life's work and I want it and what it contains to live on in those who warm to it. Having taken this decision it may well influence the way I think about The Enid and may drive me to do some more."
From In The Region Of The Summer Stars -
And from Aerie Faerie Nonsense – (love this title  )
"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us." ~ Bill Watterson
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the first half of Ondine had me hooked, the second half lost me, too many variations in a short space of time for me.
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..." - Me 2014.
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Today's pick - great album -
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.
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Kintsugi is the Japanese word used to describe ‘golden joinery’, or ‘golden repair’. It is the art of repairing broken pottery using a precious metal, allowing the cracks or breaks to remain obvious and through this medium, exposing the vessel’s history and emphasising its imperfections. It’s a philosophy – the embracing of the flawed. I like it. Wiki says - Kintsugi can relate to the Japanese philosophy of "no mind" (無心 mushin), which encompasses the concepts of non-attachment, acceptance of change, and fate as aspects of human life.
On the second and title track which starts at around 3.15, you hear a vessel smashing and the music proceeds to make it whole – with a brief vocal segment towards the end of the track.
There is the sound of the orient here in places, along with loads of psychedelic syncopation which will be the delight of fans of Emmerson and suchlike. The busier tracks are interspersed with more straight-ahead melodic pieces – they seem to alternate; the music is very proggy, of course, fairly experimental in places (although a little anachronistically so), and I would venture to say is recognisably Mr Mackay – his signature all right! I think Duncan himself is responsible for all the instrumentation, whether synthesized or not (the Hammond B3 is obviously a feature), and the occasional vocals are by a singer named Rebeka Rain who appears to hail from the land of Oz.
I get the minimal approach, and I don’t dislike the album - there is a lot to enjoy, but I have to say, I think it would have benefited from another layer or two somehow, another facet to give it depth and finish it off. It reminded me, in places, of Pete Barden’s solo album Seen One Earth - it’s clean which is great, sure, but whereas Bardens achieves a cohesion and a rounded sound, this is just too much on one level, IMveryHO  . I have listened several times but could be talking rubbish of course – never quite certain! Lol!! And to add insult to injury, I’m not sold on the production aspects either – no expert but I don’t think it’s good - the mix bothers me, and that surprises me somewhat, or maybe I'm completely wrong and it's intended?? Or could it be kintsugi??!! In which case my apologies for being critical.
Released in late February this year by Marquee Records, Japan, on their Belle Antique label. There are no clips of individual tracks so this is a link to the whole album …
"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us." ~ Bill Watterson
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I made it through half your clip Ruby...around 20 minutes.
a nice accompaniment to the video IMO, but not sure without the said video that I would enjoy it...
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..." - Me 2014.