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[Image: 220px-Watch_Me_Disappear.jpg]

AUGIE MARCH "watch me disappear" cd, 2008

Aussie indi folk-rock band.
fourth album of six, I own four.
good solid tunes, nice melodies and harmonies.
has a bit of a Paul Kelly feel.
their biggest seller here, also their highest charting (#4).


They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 220px-Cake_Comfort_Eagle.jpg]

CAKE "comfort eagle" cd, 2001.

from Sacramento,Ca.
fourth album of seven, I own two.
lots of musical influences with these guys
from pop, funk, Mexican/latino, alt-rock...
a couple of tracks im still not keen on though.

favourite is by far and away the best track IMO:

They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 220px-TheFray-ScarsAndStories.jpg]

THE FRAY  "scars and stories" cd, 2011.

from Colorado
alt-rock band
third album, only one I own.
typical alt-rock sounds here, nothing distinctive.
like the album but a bit of a disappointment after listening to Mr.K
but then again, most things are disappointing compared to him...

the single:

They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 220px-Fireanskill.jpg]

VARIOUS ARTISTS "fire & skill: the songs of The Jam" cd, 1999

a twelve track compilation of other artists interpretations of Jam songs.
mostly British acts
some I had not heard of at the time of release but obviously have a profile in the UK.
some of the better known artists on here include Noel Gallagher, Ben Harper,
Everything But The Girl/Tracy Thorn, Liam Gallagher,Beastie Boys and Paul Weller himself.
some of the tracks here are way out there
while others have stayed reasonably true to the style of the originals.
I see merit for both.

best for me is Liam Gallagher:

If you gave me a fresh carnation
I would only crush its tender petals
With me you'll have no escape
And at the same time there'll be nowhere to settle -

I trample down all life in my wake
I eat it up and take the cake
I just avert my eyes to the pain
Of someone's loss helping my gain -

If you gave me a dream for my pocket
You'd be plugging in the wrong socket
With me there's no room for the future
With me there's no room with a view at all -

I am out of season all year 'round
Hear machinery roar to my empty sound
Touch my heart and feel winter
Hold my hand and be doomed forever -

If you gave me a fresh carnation
I would only crush its tender petals
With me you'll have no escape
And at the same time there'll be nowhere to settle -

If you're wondering by now who I am
Look no further than the mirror
Because I am the Greed and Fear
And every ounce of Hate in you.
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 220px-Coldplayparachutesalbumcover.jpg]

COLDPLAY  "parachutes"  cd, 2000

their debut of eight
I gave up after five, should have threw the towel in after four.
charming mix of alt-pop on this album.
still love this as much as I did back in the day has more of a Brit-pop sound than
the pretentious music the seemed to produce more often at the albums went on

and this song is still my favourite of theirs:

They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 220px-Stoneage_romeos_HG.jpg]

HOODOO GURUS  "stoneage romeos" vinyl/cd 1984.

hard to believe this album is now 26 years old,
I remember buying it,unsealing it  and listening to it on vinyl...
also hard to believe these guys were 'out there' with their music and fashion sense back then also.
they'd be just another rock band
their debut of nine, I own eight...
never been able to get hold of "blue café" anywhere.
solid rock performance here with a balled or two thrown in.
nothing I dislike and plenty I love...

their debut single from 1982 from when they were called Le Hoodoo Gurus: has a Glam Rock feel to it.

They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 61KKQEHY7DL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

FINN BROTHERS "finn" 1995.

Neil and Tim Finn recording together in any format is arguably as important
and productive as any reuniting of Lennon/McCartney would have been after 1970.
not as commercial as their previous efforts but has a charm all of its own with its offbeat, niche style.
a classy effort from two of the greatest pop songwriters ever, and possibly only
have John and Paul, and Gibb brothers as their peers in that arena.

from the album, not one of the singles but something different.
I have tried searching for what "Niwhai" means but to no avail.
it sounds Maori to me, and with their New Zealand heritage it probably is but im guessing.

Niwhai, she's so fly
Making it happen
Niwhai, be my witness
Five satellites in just one night.

Niwhai, pacific sister
Her father's son
She was something precious
And we all love what she's become.

Strange attractor
Something wicked
Paint her golden Buddha
You're a blinding flash across the sky.

Niwhai, sequined slipper
Fly by radiating light
Grant her secret wishes
Five satellites in just one night.

Niwhai, she's so fly
Making it happen
Grant her secret wishes
Five satellites in just one night
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 220px-Mirage_Rock.jpg]

BAND OF HORSES  "mirage rock" cd, 2012

alt-rock, Americana/folk band
could have put them in either thread.
fourth album of five, I own four, not sure why I don't own them all
but that missing one is on the 'to purchase' list...
almost folkie for the most part
lovely melodies and harmonies.
a couple of rockers on here to change the pace.
album was always a borderline like/love, I love it now.
the band hate this album and rarely play anything live from it, strange??
a good starting point to get into the band IMO..

favourite track wasn't even a single but has Neil Young written all over it,
wouldnt have been out of place on his Prairie Wind or Harvest Moon albums.

They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: r77867s3152.jpg]

GREAT LAKE SWIMMERS "new wild everywhere" cd, 2012

Canadian band
fifth album
was a first for me.
elements of folk and country.
not really country but the banjo and fiddle give it leanings that way.
checked my last post for this back in the day, it rated an average 1.8,
at the same time MH rated it a similar 1.9.
its a better album than that for sure.
grown on me more and more each play.
still not in the love range but its getting there slowly.

this single has a bit of a Tom Petty feel to it:

They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 220px-Idlewild-MakeAnotherWorld.jpg]

IDLEWILD  "make another world" cd, 2007

Scottish alt-rock band.
fifth album of eight,
I have this and the follow up album.
good solid alt rock on here
quite melodic for the most part also.
nothing great but nothing I dislike neither.

favourite: "in competition for the worst time"

They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.


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