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Snowed in again - I hate snow
Here , it has been down to -13 and we have lots of snow!!!!!!!!!!!:redface:
Nice to be able to go back to trust and friendship!!!!!!!!!

It's a mixed up sensation this being alive
Oh! it wears a man down into the ground
It's the strangest elation
I can't describe it
Oh it leaves a man weary
It makes a man frown.
.............................Chris Simpson ( "Mixed Up Sensations" 1975 Martin's Cafe )
Our forcast was for 20cm of snow over the weekend, but the grass is easily showing through.

No Toboganning for us

We just had our first one of the season.
About 2 inches. I always like that first one, mainly for the kids.
After that I'm done.
This one will be gone today with temps in the 40's.

I first thought this thread was about the guy who sang Informer.

And how I would love a white christmas..
I thought she just forgot to add Patrol

There was a major snow storm in the eastern US yesterday. Being down here in the south all we got was rain. I like snow and kinda miss it. I grew up further north. My parents got at least 12" of snow.
Music Head Wrote:I thought she just forgot to add Patrol

She?? CMB is a She??
carbon_psycho Wrote:She?? CMB is a She??

Either that, or he's a bloke called Catrina...
Her name is Catrina??

I didn't know that too.. I feel like an outsider here..
sorry for the misunderstanding CMB.

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