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What Are You Listening To?
Howard Jones - Human's Lib

perfect 80s electro-pop (ok, not the most demanding of genres)

*I like the santa hat, Mr Tiggi
Why, thank you, Mrs.

Ho Ho Ho...
Tiggi Wrote:[Image: 51tGbYPe%2BpL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

Trip-Hop-Trance hybrid.

Sounds amazing when played at rhino-stun volume. If you don't like Dance music, you won't like this, but it's a very sharp piece of work.

The remixes included as a bonus are good, but the remix version of Insomnia is outstanding...

Heard this album for first time recentley after someone recommended it to me. Liked parts of it which emulated the Trip-Hop sound but ultimately it was the trance parts that ruined it for me. I just can't stand Trance music!

DJ Shadow- 'Entroducing...' (1996)

[Image: DJ%20Shadow%20-%20Endtroducing.jpg]

From more or less the same release year, this album is the most effective use of sampling I've ever heard! Entirely consistent of samples of other records, most of which are extremely obscure, this is an extremely deep album which takes you to another place and basically defines the term 'Trip Hop'.

Just one of the many sensational tracks on the record. This is one of the best tracks of the 90s.

Midnight In A Perfect World:
"Blogging like Jesus, tweet like a Pope
Site traffic heavy, I'm YouTubing hope" - Wire- 'Blogging' 2015

"But me and you were not to blame
Love always returns from where it came
Back to black and in the end,
It's all the same."- Terry Allen 'Back to Black' 1996[URL=""][/URL]
from my library (vinyl)

[Image: !B+wwTC!!mk~$(KGrHqQOKjYEzowe7Z(7BN!rT9,vOg~~0_12.JPG]

Once again, had to go to e-bay for a pic. This is the follow up to Tomitas best album for me, Snowflakes Are Dancing. Maybe the experimentation got old fast. Taking these classical pieces and reworking them for electronic instruments was his mission in life I guess. This is a rework of Mussorgskys classic. I'm sure he caught a lot of criticism for his efforts. People gotta do something. Must admit I am not that familiar with the original work, so I don't really have a comparison point. Most of this ust came across as sound effects for me. The various insertions of Promenades are shall we say interesting, but the others became rather tedious at points. Even 1 minute of The Ballet Of The Chicks In Their Shells was enough for me. The last track is the only one that can be described as pretty. Could have been the mood, but it didn't work for me this time. Maybe next go round.


Worst Track - Ballet Of The Chicks In Their Shells

Best Track - Great Gate Of Kiev

1) Promenade - **
audio -
2) The Gnome - **
audio -
3) Promenade - **
4) The Old Castle - **
audio -
5) Promenade - **
6) Tuileries - *
7) Bydlo - *
8) Promenade - *
9) Ballet Of The Chicks In Their Shells - *
audio -
10) The Two Jews - *
audio -
11) Limoges Catacombs - *
12) Cum Mortuis In Lingua Mortua - *
13) Baba Yaga (Hut On Fowls Legs) - **
audio -
14) Great Gate Of Kiev - **
audio -

3's - 0
2's - 7
1's - 7

Grade - 1.5

[Image: 61D8dYIlBOL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

Inspired by Griff's recent quaest for more TD, I researched some of their earlier work, and thought I'd give this one from 1974 a try.

Trippy, Inner-Spacey, Soundscapey stuff. Conventional rhythm is dispensed with, although pulses of electronic rhythm burble, mutate, & disappear altogether, before another one comes along.

Very different from the later albums that I know, but not dissimilar to Zeit, one of theirs from the same era that I bought as a teenager, and thoroughly disliked. A few decades of musical experimentation later, I quite like this.

Allmusic 5/5 stars.
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture"

i have tried on several occasions to like TD but i just cant,they just dont do anything for me...maybe in time,who knows?
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

^ They'll never be among my favourites, but every now & again...
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture"

Ambient/Electronic Music is not something I actively 'listen' to. I just let it float in the background. Try their 'White Eagle' album. Far more palatable than any of their other stuff. 'Convention of the 24' is what electronic music should be. Try it - free!
Jerome Wrote:Ambient/Electronic Music is not something I actively 'listen' to. I just let it float in the background. Try their 'White Eagle' album. Far more palatable than any of their other stuff. 'Convention of the 24' is what electronic music should be. Try it - free!

I tried it, but not for 9 minutes +.

My time would be better spent.............I don't know..........taking a crap.

actually, I take that back.

I did listen to the whole thing.
Only because as I was typing the previous post, I heard a note that I liked.
Pity, they didn't play it again.


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