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Is It Spring Yet?
I was listening to the radio today and there was a nice piece. Unfortunately I can never catch what they're called or who they're by. I *think* this one was called "Is it spring yet?". I've googled it but not been able to come up with it. Anyone know what it was?
Actually, pieces rarely have intelligible titles like "Is it spring yet?". Here's what they write about Janacek's String Quartet No. 2:

Quote:Unusually for a classical work, the nickname "Intimate Letters" ("Listy důvěrné" in Czech) was given by the composer[url=][/url]

Probably it was called somewhat different, and as you give virtually no information about it, it's virtually impossible to help you... I can certainly say that there are no well-known pieces which are called so.

The only suggestion I have is to check out the website of this radio station (if it exists, of course) - sometimes they have a program. As it was just today, you have a chance to find necessary info.

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