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[Image: 51Rd0WuIWpL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

ROGER WATERS "flickering flame-the solo years volume I" cd,2002.

dont get me wrong...
i like this album, but some artists should not release retrospective collections, especially when the artist makes "albums" to be heard in their just doesnt work, sort of like Stephen King releasing a "best of" book by simply including a chapter from this book or that would not make sense, and neither does a Waters set like this...
Lost boys Calling,Flickering Flame,Towers Of Faith are superb acoustic tracks, pretty sure the cd cover said "demo version" for at least two of them???!
Radio Waves sounds a bit dated now IMO...must be all that crap 1980s drum synths...
and a cover of Dylan's Knockin' On Heavens Door????...what the heck is alll that about, it just dont cut it IMO...
but overall, not a bad album,some things sound decidedly Pink Flydish, while others are so far removed you probably wouldnt guess its Waters!!!!


worst track: three wishes
best track: flickering flame


1. knockin' on heavens door *
2. too much rope **
3. the tide is turning ** live
4. perfect sense parts I & II *
5. three wishes *
6. 5:06am(every stranger's eyes) ** live
7. who needs information ** audio w/- lyrics
8. each small candle ** live
9. flickering flame *** live
10.towers of faith *** audio waves ** audio
12.lost boys calling *** audio


rating: 2.0
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[ATTACH=CONFIG]1588[/ATTACH]Hawkwind warrior on the edge of time (i just love this band . lemmy killminster plays bass on this album and the last track is called motorhead with lemmy on vocal ..rather ironic really lol this is space age rock lol
America is pregnant with promise and anticipation but is murdered by the hand of the inevitable....(Lee Jackson ..The Nice)
Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bells 2003 - quality is much better than the original but I prefer the nostalgia (and the mistakes) of the original release. I do not think I will ever tire of this album, no matter what version it is. TB 1, 2, 3, 2003 or the Orchestral version. It is just one incredible piece of music. Period.
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.
CRAZY-HORSE Wrote:[Image: 51Rd0WuIWpL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

ROGER WATERS "flickering flame-the solo years volume I" cd,2002.

dont get me wrong...
i like this album, but some artists should not release retrospective collections, especially when the artist makes "albums" to be heard in their just doesnt work, sort of like Stephen King releasing a "best of" book by simply including a chapter from this book or that would not make sense, and neither does a Waters set like this...
Lost boys Calling,Flickering Flame,Towers Of Faith are superb acoustic tracks, pretty sure the cd cover said "demo version" for at least two of them???!
Radio Waves sounds a bit dated now IMO...must be all that crap 1980s drum synths...
and a cover of Dylan's Knockin' On Heavens Door????...what the heck is alll that about, it just dont cut it IMO...
but overall, not a bad album,some things sound decidedly Pink Flydish, while others are so far removed you probably wouldnt guess its Waters!!!!


worst track: three wishes
best track: flickering flame


1. knockin' on heavens door *
2. too much rope **
3. the tide is turning ** live
4. perfect sense parts I & II *
5. three wishes *
6. 5:06am(every stranger's eyes) ** live
7. who needs information ** audio w/- lyrics
8. each small candle ** live
9. flickering flame *** live
10.towers of faith *** audio waves ** audio
12.lost boys calling *** audio


rating: 2.0

I agree CH - Although I am a die-hard PF/RW fan, this is the only album of his I have never bought. I even have a copy of 'Music from the Body' - that's about as die-hard as you can get! Cannot listen to his tracks out of context. They were created for conceptual albums and should remain so.
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.
WARPAINT - The Fool (2010)

[Image: 220px-Warpaint-thefool.jpg]

A unique female quartet who play good psychedelic rock, folk and dream pop. There's a variation of styles here but it's all original and quite interesting!

 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
excellent album i have it as well lol
SteveO Wrote:FAIRFIELD PARLOUR - From Home to Home (1970)

[Image: Fromhometohome.jpg]

This is a very good prog folk rock album that was unbelievably released in 1970! The sound of this album is contemporary akin to today's Fleet Foxes and Bon Ivor to name a few modern folk rock groups.

The album was recommended by our former esteemed MD member Gryphon!

America is pregnant with promise and anticipation but is murdered by the hand of the inevitable....(Lee Jackson ..The Nice)
Ilove the beatles white album it has a character of its own and i can play the whole thing through without skipping a track good ones and not so good ones included lol
CRAZY-HORSE Wrote:The Beatles showed their 'best' and 'worst' on White Album....Macca had a lot of filler on that one IMO,also had some moments of brilliance, whereas i feel John was at his best with his tracks..

i would personally have preferred the heavier "revolution" be put on that album, would have offset Paul's Helter Skelter nicely IMO
America is pregnant with promise and anticipation but is murdered by the hand of the inevitable....(Lee Jackson ..The Nice)
yes i always loved steve hackets work with genesis
Jerome Wrote:Steve Hackett - Live Rails - the man is a wizard.
America is pregnant with promise and anticipation but is murdered by the hand of the inevitable....(Lee Jackson ..The Nice)
Mrrusty1 Wrote:Ilove the beatles white album it has a character of its own and i can play the whole thing through without skipping a track good ones and not so good ones included lol

it is a great album IMO also,
i listen to it from start to finish..except for that stupid 'revolution #9" thing...
the whole album is a kooky mix of tracks that DO work,
its also evident what paths they were taking on their route to solo careers by 1968.
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 61fmkwQE6xL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

THE BLACK CROWES "warpaint" cd,2008.

never been a big fan of BC,but i obviously got this one somewhere along the way...
what is it?, something like their seventh or eighth album i guess?...
these guys have always been accused of ripping off The Rolling Stones with their songs(i bet Jagger wishes he had a voice like this guy LOL)...yeh, i guess i can hear bits of it in their tracks here, but also bits of John Cougarish style also especially in the opening track...i guess those two elements combined give them their own psuedo-original sound to a degree.
im happy with this album and wont spoil it by getting one that i am not keen on...


worst track: movin' on down the line
best track: goodbye daughters of the revolution


1. goodbye daughters of the revolution *** audio
2. walk believer walk **
3. oh josephine *** live
4. evergreen *** audio
5. wee who see the deep **
6. locust street *** audio
7. movin' on down the line *
8. wounded bird ** live
9. God's got it **
10.there's gold in them hills ** audio
11.whoa mule **


rating: 2.3
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.


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