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Music Head Wrote:sort of like Springsteens Nebraska I gather
is the recorded version any different than that clip?

the album version is the same as this live version MH...the majority of the album has a subdued(for want of a better word) Crazy horse feel to it, but the melodies are very similar to that track
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

CRAZY-HORSE Wrote:the album version is the same as this live version MH...the majority of the album has a subdued(for want of a better word) Crazy horse feel to it, but the melodies are very similar to that track

how does Crazy Horse fit into it?
that was just Neil in the clip

Crazy Horse play on the album but there are a couple of Neil acoustic solo tracks also...

i just meant that the sound was subdued for a CH album...not as heavy as usually expected
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 51sy7ClUDHL._SY450_.jpg]

PETE TOWNSHEND "white city:a novel" cd, 1985

Uncle Pete's eigthth solo album...
this one is very autobiographical in the sense that the conceptual theme is set in the era when he grew up and also around London where, again, he grew up..
album tracks deal with poverty,racism, and life on the tennament blocks....
being released in 1985, this one is full of those horrid 1980s synth beats. but that doesnt stop this from being a great album IMO...
the big hit from this one was "face the face"(i also own the 7" single of it....), the album version is slightly different fromthe original single version, probably had to edit it down to get radio play back in the sort of builds from a few sparse jazzy/bluesy chords into the thumping drum sounds that are at the start of the single...
"give blood" and " second hand love" were also issued as singles, but i dont think they sold too well, "give blood",well, the chorus was used by the red cross blood bank people here to try to promote giving blood as people were put off with the whole needle thing back then with the advent of AIDS...
nothing on here i dont like,infact some of the like tracks come pretty darn close to have been given love ratings...favourite one on here though is "hiding out", i would have loved to hear Roger Daltry get his chance to do this, would have been a great Who track IMO,, and Dave Gilmour plays lead guitar on this album.
all up, a brilliant concept album from the original Modfather!!!!!


worst track: i am secure
best track: hiding out


1. give blood ** live
2. brilliant blues ***
3. face the face *** audio(full version) video
4. second-hand love ***
5. hiding out *** audio
6. crashing by design **
7. i am secure **
8. white city fighting ***
9. come to mama **


rating: 2.6
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

Oh you've hit a nerve on this one CH ! I love this album also !!!!!'s obvious who wrote Who tunes!
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
BILLY JOEL - Glass Houses (​1980)

[Image: 51fN%2BUTdB0L._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

[SIZE=2]Billy Joel is one of the most prolific singer songwriters of our generation. I have always pegged him as the American answer to Elton John. I wonder if Joel and John have ever recorded together. It's a shame if they haven't!

Back to the album in hand from my vinyl vault...Glass House, Billy's seventh studio release sandwiched between the highly successful 52nd Street( Big Shot, My Life) and his live unheard by me, Piano Manless Songs in the Attic.

Glass Houses came in at number 4 for the Billboard charts of 1980. During its' initial release it reached number one in the U.S. and Canada and number two in Australia,and as usual only number 9 in the UK who seem to be hesitant at times in accepting foreign artists... It's Still Rock and Roll To Me, You May Be Right and Don't Ask Me Why are highlights for me! The only thing I don't like about this album is that all the more popular tracks appear on Side One!
<strong><font size="3">[video=youtube;Jo9t5XK0FhA][/video] - It's Still Rock and Roll To Me - Don't Ask Me Why
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
im not sure they recorded any studio material together but they did tour out here together, on stage together some years ago, there may be some bootlegs out there of the tour, or maybe even an official live album???

back to Glass Houses...i think there is a bit of filler on that one,but also some sheer brilliance from Joel...i love the way the album starts with that sound of shattering glass, a touch of simplistic genius IMO
i think The Nylon Curtain, Innocent Man and Stromfront are my three favourite albums of his
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[video=youtube;9M1p__4APdk];feature=share&amp;list=PLCC5CD536E C134173[/video]Jeff Beck/ Jimmy Page /John Bonham /Noel Redding and Nicky Hopkins join the quirky vocalist and hopefull politician on this rather superb rock album .. very under rated in my view .. lord sutch would have been a great rock and roll british prime minister or if I had my way world president ..
America is pregnant with promise and anticipation but is murdered by the hand of the inevitable....(Lee Jackson ..The Nice)
Screamin' Lord Sutch...LMAO!

doesnt he hold the record for running for most runs for election in the UK without ever getting elected????
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

sorry, i dont seem to be able to paste the album cover for this one but it is...

MOODY BLUES long distance voyager, cd/vinyl 1981

the moody's tenth studio album, and my favourite...was also the first one i ever bought at age 14 or something???
i love the artwork on the gatefold sleeve, love the music and the lyrical content also....
this one spawned four big hits out here...The Voice, Talking Out Of Turn, Gemini Dream and Meanwhile...
all i heard on the radio originally was the three and a half minute radio edits of the songs, but fell in love with the often 5-7 minute album versions immediately, a great album of rock bordering on prog at times...superb stuff that actually sounds better on cd than it does on my old vinyl, therefore, this album was really made for cd sound IMO...


worst track: in my world
best track: gemini dream


1. the voice **
2. talking out of turn ***
3. gemini dream *** live
4. in my world **
5. meanwhile ***
6. 22,000 days ***
7. nervous **
8. painted smile **
....(spoken word link "reflective smile")
9. veteran cosmic rocker **


rating: 2.4
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.


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