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Ruby Wrote:Mason Williams may have written this, but IMO Tommy Emmanuel owns it! He absolutely slays it – hands down. (There are many, many clips of him playing CG. This is my favourite.) Oh, and it was originally mentioned in Classical/Opera, but I’m not sure it belongs there, so I’m bringing it out …


Loved the video Ruby!! Wow, that man can play!! I was amazed!!
[Image: 513nFTRDocL._SX450__PJautoripBadge,Botto...OU11__.jpg]

CHRIS CORNELL "carry on" cd,2007

solo career stats:
studio albums.............3

this album........#17 US, #27 AU, #25 UK
"you know my name"............#79 US, #7 UK
"no such thing"....................#33 US
"arms around your love".......#177 UK
"billie jean"..........................#77 UK
"she'll never be your man" chart action

ex grunge band Soundgarden and Audioslave vocalist Cornell's second solo effort...
lots of stripped down songs here,well, what i mean by that is that theyre not grungy, but instead have a semi-acoustic feel to most of them, most noteably on his surprisingly good cover of the Michael Jackson classic...Cornell's acoustic version of "billie jean" is stripped right back to acoustic guitar and vocals and slowed right on down, his vocals are full of dispair,yet urgent at the same time as he puts emotion into this great pop song...
album is very melodic compared the the other bands he has fronted over the years, he probably lost a few diehards with this one, but he gained me as a fan!


worst track: disappearing act
best track: ghosts


1. no such thing **
2. poison eye **
3. arms around your love **
4. safe and sound **
5. she'll never be your man **
6. ghosts *** audio
7. killing birds ***
8. billie jean ** live audio
9. scar on the sky **
10. your soul today ***
11. finally forever *** audio
12. silence the voices **
13. disappearing act *
14. you know my name **
15. today **
16. roads we choose **


rating: 2.2
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

Im listening to Frank black's solo stuff [video=youtube;U3rW5OBDrZ0][/video] idk if alot of ppl know that Black francis did alot of great stuff after he left the pixies.
[Image: 51uAqL4pA4L.__PJautoripBadge,BottomRight...OU11__.jpg]

COLDPLAY "mylo xyloto" cd, 2011.

career stats:
studio albums...........6

this album: #1 UK, #1 AU, #1 CAN, #1 US
"every teardrop is a waterfall"....#6 UK, #14 AU, #9 CAN, #14 US
"paradise"...............................#1 UK, #3 AU, #13 CAN, #15 US
"charlie brown"........................#22 UK
"princess of china" feat:Rihanna.#4 UK, #16 AU, #17 CAN, #19 US
"up with the birds" chart action
"hurts like heaven"...................#157 UK
"up in flames" chart action

Chris Martin and Co's fifth album and the last one i bought...
fourteen tracks on here,several instrumental pieces as part of it...mostly to interlink the main songs...
these guys,IMO, have lost the plot!.
gone are the intelligent cryptic meaning songs that litter their first three albums, and a further downward spiral from their self absorbed fourth album "viva la vida"...
they lost credibility stright away with this one for me when they obviously felt the need to release that annoying single "paradise" with its stupidly annoyingly "para-para-paradise" repeatative hook...
they then lost me even further by including a duet track on this one with Rihanna...
these guys came from nowhere to being a great band with their simplistic debut,through their next two albums, but somewhere along the line since then i think they started believing the reviews that they were the 'greatest band' in the world and started recording/releasing overblown,self induldgent pompus pop-pap!
this album is a piece of crap, if anyone wants to buy a coldplay album i firmly suggest they only buy their first three albums!


worst track.....paradise
best track......up against the world


1. mylo xyloto *
2. hurts like heaven **
3. paradise *
4. charlie brown **
5. up against the world ** live
6. MMIX *
7. every teardrop is a waterfall **
8. major minus **
9. UFO **
10.princess of china (with Rihanna) *
11.up in flames **
12.a hopeful transmission *
13.dont letit break your heart *
14.up with the birds *


rating: 1.5
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

This Tiny Desk concert is a whole lot of awesome and lends new meaning to ‘crossover’! Bluegrass and classical – a marriage made in ….? Somehow, they pull it off exceptionally well -well enough to win a couple of Grammy’s!

The fantastic Yo Yo Ma with Chris Thile, Edgar Meyer, Stuart Duncan and guest Aoife O’Donovan performing excerpts from ‘The Goat Rodeo Sessions’.

(These concerts are great levellers BTW, fun to watch.)

[Image: 51890eoWA4L._SY450__PJautoripBadge,Botto...OU11__.jpg]
CAKE "comfort eagle" cd, 2001

career stats:
studio albums........6

this album: #13 US, #28 AU, #64 CAN

"short skirt/long jacket"............#124 US, #44 AU, #63 CAN
"arco arena" charted entry
"love you madly" charted entry

this is the fourth studio set by these guys...
their material is often tongue-in-cheek,light and almost poppy, slightly sarcastic and very catchy in places...
its strange that my favourite and least favourite tracks were both issued as singles...
i guess the UK cant find anything to associate with these guys because they simply do not have a market out there...
my favourite track has a simple guitar riff and simple lyrics but it is exremely catchy...
i first saw that track on MTV back in the day,they used to play in every hour on the hour(or so it seemed)....
it doesnt matter though, because its a cool song with a slight Lou Reed feel(in fact, first time i heard it i thought it may have been Reed on 'helium')LMAO!
all up, not a bad album,doest take many brain cells to tune in to this one, which is good when you just want simplistic music on.


worst track: arco arena
best track: short skirt/long jacket


1. opera singer **
2. meanwhile,rick james **
3. shadow stabbing **
4. short skirt/long jacket *** vevo video
5. commissioning a symphony in "c" **
6. arco arena *
7. comfort eagle *** audio
8. long line of cars **
9. love you madly **
10.pretty pink ribbon ** of two *


rating: 2.0
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

I have this in my collection - haven't listened to it for a very long time, but from what I can recall, your reivew sounds spot on!
I know of Cake,,,,,sort of a Lou Reed feel on your favourite!!!,,,I like it dude!
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
Listening to a James Taylor compilation which made me want to listen to Richie Havens' version of 'You Can Close Your Eyes'. Here it is ...

love it.


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