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Personally I am sick of seeing talentless trollops paged across the media. What are the point of them, why are the public so intrigued to read and see more about them. A lot of the celebrities in England have either got there kit off on the 'The Sun's' page 3, or slept with a Politician. Is that the best we have on offer?
I have had enough. Am I alone on this?
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It's the same way here in the States. We have a Utube - "Web Celeb" culture. Come on, give me a break. I think the 18-34 year old demographic who picks this stuff have grown much too simplistic on a two dimensional television lifestyle where an issue arises, a solution sought and a remedy completed all in thirty minutes.
It's not unusual to think that someone as discerning as those who regularly posts to a music forum would notice the simplicity over others who just accept which is rammed down their throats by media; shame really.
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A good example of the publics boredom of celebrity man made culture has to be British X factor's failed attempt at gaining Christmas number one, by a facebook campaign to get Rage against the machine to number one instead.
With Regards...
Anthony :coffee:
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Better celebrate them small victories. This week (Dec 26th) McElderry knocks Rage out of #1.
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Here is how I cope: I don't pay any attention. I rarely watch TV, and when I do I stay away from MTV, E!, and the like. I don't read People magazine and I don't look at I most certainly don't care who is at the top of whatever chart. In this way I manage to be blissfully unaware of whatever shenanigans Amy Winehouse is into this week. Or if she is even still alive.
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Jon's method of somewhat coping with the madness is the only way. You can choose to saturate yourself or remain ignorant. No different than the news in general. I sit here and bitch and moan about the mainstream news media, yet I choose to watch it in order to stay informed of what is going on in the world. Celebrity gossip is so much part of any media that is out there, that some will filter through if you watch anything at all. Otherwise how would Jon have known Amy was an "item" to be discarded?
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come on back samantha
almost 2 years later and you're getting feedback on your topic.
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i think part of the problem is that the so called celebs believe their own hype...
i have known a couple of guys who are in bands and the like, and i can't beleive that attitudes that some of them have...
for example, Ben adams, a guy i have known for years-in norway two weeks ago, he put his hand in my face and shhhhh'd me in a :hand: gesture...i wasn't talking to him!!!! baring in mind that i celebrated his birthday a few years ago and he was one of the nicest people you could get back together and he becomes a complete arse....
amy winehouse is another one who is like it, ok, yeah she has her issues-intorduce me to someone who doesn't have issues and you'll be showing me a liar, its just that the rest of us learn that we can't do exactly as we wish and treat people badly...i mean yeah the theatre manager at Mk can be anooying (i am awaiting a very important reply re a customer :nod:0 but kicking him the balls? really, i mean REALLY?!
commonsense would say that its a panto, its a childrens show, heckling isn't going to go down very well and anyone else would have been kicked out, not asked to move to a box....
jordan and peter? bored now, who cares that they are divorced?! who cared that they got married?!
we can conquer this great divide-hanson
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My view on this is probably going to be quite lengthy.
Firstly Samantha, your criticism is only valid if it isn't tinged with any sort of jealous bias, as i despise those that envy anyone in any way.
Secondly, I think a realistic and mature viewpoint needs to be taken, such as Kerry's. I cannot stand Big Brother, X-Factor and the like and have taken the decision not to watch them, but will, try and keep informed about them and such things so as not to be ignorant. My number one bugbear.
As for it being bad or good, i don't think that is a distinction that should be made because they serve a purpose, and ultimately, if you're not interested, don't pay attention!