23-01-2016, 13:46
from the vinyl shed
![[Image: R-2820089-1302501120.jpeg.jpg]](http://cdn.discogs.com/z1ea-R024afLasDdXEOgbKJuw0A=/fit-in/300x300/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():qualit y(96)/discogs-images/R-2820089-1302501120.jpeg.jpg)
Pye Records put out a series of albums covering the British Invasion groups
the Kinks have to be in my top 5 of that class
this 12 track compilation covers the early years
love most of them
my fav
![[Image: R-2820089-1302501120.jpeg.jpg]](http://cdn.discogs.com/z1ea-R024afLasDdXEOgbKJuw0A=/fit-in/300x300/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():qualit y(96)/discogs-images/R-2820089-1302501120.jpeg.jpg)
Pye Records put out a series of albums covering the British Invasion groups
the Kinks have to be in my top 5 of that class
this 12 track compilation covers the early years
love most of them
my fav