26-01-2016, 15:45
CRAZY-HORSE Wrote:I saw an interview with Glen Frey once and he was explaining the meaning behind the line "stick them with their steely knives"...
It went along the lines of...
My girlfriend at the time was a huge Steely Dan fan and she was always playing their albums,
I used to say they're our competition and you shouldn't be supporting them, thus we used to argue
over the band, she was always sticking the steely knives to me!
I think I have mentioned this before - Steely Dan's name was inspired by 'Steely Dan III from Yokohama", a strap-on dildo mentioned in the William S. Burroughs novel Naked Lunch'
The pair is also known for their near-obsessive perfectionism in the recording studio:[SUP][8][/SUP][SUP][9][/SUP] Over the year they took to record Gaucho (1980), an album of just seven songs, Becker and Fagen hired at least 42 studio musicians and 11 engineers.[SUP][10][/SUP]
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.