11-03-2016, 23:11
Jerome Wrote:Just a point to note here - Win 10 (which I currently use) is a hell of a lot better than 8. But there are serious flaws in it - especially where your personal privacy is concerned. Apparently it can allow other users/people/neighbours to hijack your Wi-Fi connection quite easily and it's default settings are set to mine all your data. It's a quite a process to turn all this crap off (I spent quite some time going through this particular exercise) and one never really knows whether your banking transactions etc. are really secure. My advice - if you have Win 7, stick with it. Win 8 and 10 are not really going to give you any advantage, As for Win 9 - who knows where that went. Did it even exist?
I went back to 9 again. I have 9. Don't understand why you guys can't use 9 :confused:
8 is buggy.