05-12-2016, 23:52
MythsOfMetal Wrote:I think I'll check that one out then if it retains the quality of the single track I know from it.
It's pretty good, IMO.
Quote:Yeah, I've heard that Under the Red Cloud and Silent Waters are also very good later albums from them, they're both high on my to-listen-to list. I also liked the bit I heard from Circle, so I was wondering what you think of that one?
I also like Circle. It's a good album.
Quote:I personally don't care for any of their later mid-2000's and onward material, but I like bits and pieces of their early stuff. My favourite as stated earlier is their EP Subterranean which is unlike anything else they've done, so I'd recommend that before anything else of theirs if you haven't already tried it. Give the song "Everdying" a try at least. I'm also curious if you could pinpoint what the barrier is for you to liking them? Are they too poppy/happy melodeath sounding? Or are the vocals a problem? Etc.
I've heard some of their stuff like Clayman which is considered one of their best by some fans of In Flames. I still couldn't get into the early stuff I've heard and the later stuff just doesn't do much for me. I don't know why since they seem to be a pretty solid melodeath band, they aren't too poppy for me or anything, and the vocals are fine. I guess I don't connect with the band very well. I will check out Everdying.